What type(s) of healthcare professional ... - My MSAA Community

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What type(s) of healthcare professional are you currently consulting as part of your management of MS? (select all that apply)

johnMSAA profile imagejohnMSAAPartner129 Voters

Please select all that apply:

28 Replies
scooterjon58 profile image

I also use a gastroenterologist, urologist, MS counselor and as of yesterday an oral surgeon. My teeth are falling out and I'm blaming steroid use for my MS in the '90's

purpletustin profile image
purpletustin in reply to scooterjon58

Neurologist, opthamologist, urologist at present time. Of course, tomorrow's another day. LOL

Angela3445 profile image
Angela3445 in reply to scooterjon58

Hi your teeth are doing that too. I'm tired of having a swollen face and my teeth keeps cracking and I go to the dentist so much now that I'm blaming the medicine

dogdaddy profile image
dogdaddy in reply to Angela3445

were you ever on copaxone?

Angela3445 profile image
Angela3445 in reply to dogdaddy

No, I was on Acthar Gel and I'm currently taking Tysabri every month.

dogdaddy profile image
dogdaddy in reply to scooterjon58

I'm having the same problem with my teeth. I blame the copaxone.

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to dogdaddy

I blame the copaxone of the problems I have with my teeth. Glad I'm off of it.

DebbyLou profile image
DebbyLou in reply to scooterjon58

After years of pain, 10 root canals, crowns, partials, tons of $$$ (and then finding out even root canals needed replacing), I got down to only 5 upper teeth. I had them pulled. That was 3 years ago. I now wear a denture. Sometimes it is uncomfortable but never painful. They were costly and need upkeep too, but I'm glad I did it. (My dentist offered that MS prevents saliva from producing essential protective enzymes for healthy teeth.) Now if they would charge 1/2 as much for teeth cleaning 1/2 a mouth .... oh well. LOL

Good luck making decisions. Mouth pain is no joke! We have enough other fires to tend.

Claudmich profile image

I am lucky enough to be able to go to the Mandell Center for MS. Great place they have everything and everyone that I need😊

6092177588 profile image
6092177588 in reply to Claudmich

Where is that?

Claudmich profile image
Claudmich in reply to 6092177588

It’s in Hartford , CT. It’s part of St. Francis Hosp, Blue Hills Ave.

LeannEHl profile image

I probably get more from my neuro's nurse practitioner, as she is really up on the latest and greatest to do with MS!

TracyBelle profile image
TracyBelle in reply to LeannEHl

The nurse at my Drs office purposely ignores requests for information by the insurance company and waits 48 hours or more just to return a phone call. I have complained to my Dr but he doesn’t believe me. He will probably retire soon (he has been treating MS since 1980) and I will have no health care team at all

scooterjon58 profile image

I was on Copaxone at least 20 years. Now I don't have to blame my 2 cans of Coke per day! lol I have two vices. Coke and I swear too much!

scooterjon58 profile image

Angela, I've never had the greatest hygiene when it comes to my teeth. I tell people it's from steroid use in the 1990's for my MS.

normwithms profile image

I have found the less I deal with health care professionals and the less I take the medicines they proscribe the better I feel.

Brindisi1 profile image

Forgot. Opthalmologist, gi doc due to gastroparesis, ( PS, thyroid also contributes ) gp ...


goatgal profile image

johnMSAA Some of us have a general neurologist, others have a neurologist with MS specialization (an important distinction). I see my PCP and an neuro-opthamologist as well as a MS focused neuro.

Christopher04 profile image

My teeth also broke off. Not much left of them. Takes a lot longer to eat my meals and can't eat crispy and hard things at all. I am also on Copaxone for 15 years and had steroid treatment also a few times.

TracyBelle profile image
TracyBelle in reply to Christopher04

I have spent a fortune on my teeth and had no idea it was related to Copaxone until last year. The patient leaflet lists tooth caries under gastrointestinal issues, although dry mouth is listed somewhere else. They have hidden the tooth damage under gastrointestinal side effects for all these years. I am missing 3 teeth on the bottom left and can’t afford implants to replace them. I haven’t chewed food in 3 years and don’t see it happening. I have cavities I know about but can’t afford to fix, so the rest of my teeth are probably going to need even more work that I have no way to pay for. I was already very limited on what I could eat before I lost my teeth because I had my gallbladder removed in 2006.

FearlessMsMimi profile image

I also see a hematologist, urologist, geriatric (family) physcians, and a bladder physical therapist.

Kenu profile image

I also have a pain management doctor 👨🏼‍⚕️. Currently have a pain pump implanted. Regular physician and a cancer specialist. All are on the same page for continued treatment 👍. Also my wife and two furbabies and friends 👍🙏🐾😉🇺🇸 Ken

6092177588 profile image
6092177588 in reply to Kenu

Does it help?

carolek572 profile image

Hey johnMSAA,

All of my doctors/specialists/nurses are aware that I have MS, so when I see them, I make sure that all my questions are fully answered with my MS being in the picture. My PCP, dentist, neurologist should tailor my care appropriately. I go to a MS center s I am very lucky to have all doctors that I need there.

I notice that many here are noticing problems with their teeth. I am not aware of any teeth issues. I too, was on Copaxone, for 7 years, along with steroids for 18 months at the beginning of my diagnosis. No teeth problems yet but I will be watching out for that and will bring that issue up with my dentist at my next visit.

Please, receive the care and love that you need to stay healthy, happy, and hopeful for a cure!


johnMSAA profile image
johnMSAAPartner in reply to carolek572

Thank you for your additional comments, Carole! Good to know that you make sure to remind all of your medical team about your MS.

- John, MSAA

itasara profile image

I have seen a neurologist for 12 years for my MS. Now that I went to see a neurology specialist a couple months ago, I plan to continue with her. I felt at the one visit with this neurologist specialist that she listened to me more and seemed more interested in my MS situation and had a team available to assist within University. I also have other docs: PCP, GYN, ophthomologist, but they are not all that involved in my MS except being aware that I do have MS.

6092177588 profile image

Many questions few answers.

6092177588 profile image

Teeth are bad. Not sure why, don't take anything for pain yet.