How would you rate your overall experien... - My MSAA Community

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How would you rate your overall experience with your MS healthcare team?

johnMSAA profile imagejohnMSAAPartner97 Voters

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14 Replies
FLlady profile image

Explain things very clearly and thoroughly during my appointments. Handle my refill requests in timely manner.

Claudmich profile image

My team is a MS center and all of my care is through there. Everyone is very knowledgeable in all areas is MS & my neuron also has MS so is very easy to talk with.

CherieMSCN profile image

Current MS Neurologist turned things around and started treatment when three previous neurologists would not. I was NOT progressive but had a very inflammatory ACTIVE form or MS and it responded well to treatment.

I think if you are fortunate to have found a MS Center early in your diagnosis, or been referred to a MS center early in your diagnosis, you will have superb MS care, in comparison to neurologists who are "generalists" or speciality is only a wide area such as "autoimmune."

Lindy53061 profile image

It took me six years after being diagnosed to find the MS current coordinated care team and I am grateful because it has made a big difference for me then seeing a MS neurologist who was not current on MS treatment recommendations and would not cooperate in my care by speaking with my PCP who was referring me to individual specialists based on symptoms ultimately all related to MS and ultimately addressed well when MS team was coordinating and current on MS treatment:)

Michael1961 profile image

First neuro ok but bad office personel. Went to a specialist and diagnosed in about 3 weeks. Main problem constipation. Happy to hear any suggestions.

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to Michael1961

Michael1961, it's Fancy1959. I don't remember replying to any of your post earlier, so I would officially like to welcome you to this wonderful MS chat room. We're glad you're here!

Overall I would rate my neurologist as good and his staff as excellent. Sometimes my neurologist leaves his bedside manner outside the room he's talking to me in. He can make comments that tick you off or make you feel bad but yourself. Nobody with MS needs to feel worse about them self walking out of the doctor's office then before they walk into the doctor's office because of comments made. His staff however which includes is MS nurse coordinator and the physical and occupational therapist are wonderful.

Now, i wanted to reply to your constipation problem. I have been constipated my entire adult life and I'm no spring chicken. I went up last November for liver surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. They introduced me to Bennifiber. It is tasteless and has no sugar you simply need to take 2 teaspoons into beverage of your choice three times a day. I have stayed on the Benefiber or actually the generic brand of it from your local retailer the entire past year and I have never been more regular and went with more ease.

Michael you can pick up a small two weeks supply of it for about $9.00. Slightly less for the generic brand. I challenge you to try it. For $8 to $9 dollars what do you have to lose except your constipation? Two weeks should get your bowels working like they were supposed to. Don't think because you start it you're going to immediately have to run to the bathroom. And it won't cause diarrhea either. It normally takes four or five days before you'll notice a difference. But then over the next week things settle down and you become very regular. And after dealing with a lifetime of constipation boy does that feel good. Haha!😄

Please keep me informed. And even better yet please give the fiber a chance. I'll look forward to your replies and post in the near future. Don't be a stranger. Remember we are stronger when we are together!

Lindy53061 profile image
Lindy53061 in reply to Fancy1959

Great advice

CalfeeChick profile image
CalfeeChickCommunityAmbassador in reply to Michael1961

I have same problem and take fiber supplement in am, 3 stool softeners at night.. might have to adjust amounts to work for you.

itasara profile image

I am not sure what healthcare team you are talking about but I can't say I have a healthcare TEAM. I see my neurologist maybe once a year.. although he now says I don't need to see him for 18 months. I see an opthomologist every 6-12 months which I would do anyway. I see my gyn about once a year, and I see a dentist tice a year and my internets once or twice a year. So I suppose that is my team, but I don't think that is exactly what you were refering to/

dmaskal1 profile image

My neurologist is great and the nurses who administer Tysabri in the hospital tome are wonderful!

ascmartin30 profile image

I am very happy with my MS team, both the MD Emilio Melchionna. and his PA are the best. I was in fact I was diagnosed with 7 days of my first flareup.

CalfeeChick profile image

I don't like the long wait between appointments..

melack01 profile image

I put above average because I have a great neurologist, but if I have a team I haven't met them. I get my medical care through the VA. I have seen many specialists through the process of being diagnosed, so if they're my team, they're great. My primary care physician I've only seen twice and that was about 10 months ago.