I was at a funeral (neither here nor there) when I suddenly look at my sisters and say:
Me: "Wait! What's today.. The 14th?"
Sis:(confused) "Yes"
Me: "Dang it!"
Sis: ....
Me: " I missed my anniversary! This is the 3rd time! January 11th is the day I was diagnosed and I have tried to celebrate it for the last few years. (They are trying to figure it out) I never went through the 5 stages of denial. I just accepted it. So I figure why not celebrate the official day I got my diagnosis as mark that I made it one more year. One more year I made it through all this."
Sis: "Oh that's cool that you celebrate it."
Me: " Well, trying to! Lol!" 😜 (Looks like my memory didn't make it one more year.)