Good self care.: Self care. Is looking after... - MS Society

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Good self care.

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Self care. Is looking after your disabilities as they arise but never stop being creative in your persuit of Adventure

4 Replies

Thing s to remember. Disabilities, Creative, Adventure.

I play trombone, bass guitar, and express my self freely on the drums.I gave a small performance last night to an audience of one. He was honored.

He is as we speak off to get guitar lessons. Which I think is really 😎

It was so nice to reach out to somebody , I finished my jazz piece , suspending on the last note and there he was at peace.

I also read, draw funny cartoons of people once I know them , my A4, personal Christmas's cards were well received.. infact it was commented by the recipients. I don't want to take them down. It's fantastic meet someone like minded.🍇🍒🍉🥮I also read, sing and if the footboards creek. I still dance occasionally.


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