Hello everyone. I’m new to this group.
I feel lightheaded on most days and was recently told that this may be due to my migraines.
Any thoughts please. Thank you 🙏
Hello everyone. I’m new to this group.
I feel lightheaded on most days and was recently told that this may be due to my migraines.
Any thoughts please. Thank you 🙏
Could it be vestibular migraine? These include lightheadedness or vertigo. Another possibility is the lightheaded feeling might be part of your migraine prodrome.
I’ve recently been diagnosed with Vestibular Migraine which includes dizziness and lightheaded ness. I’ve been told by the neurologist that this type of migraine can suddenly start in older women who’ve suffered migraines earlier in their life.
Thank you for your reply. Did your Neurologist give you any medication?
He started me on Amytriptaline which did work well but I had to stop after a month as even low dose caused agitation and anxiety. Then a month on Pregabalin to no avail.
I’m tired of being given drugs that don’t work and cause even more problems. I’ve just made an an appointment with a chiropractor who specialises in migraines.
The neurologist made the point that this type of migraine is triggered by stress. Sadly I have an enormous amount of stress in my life just now. I know that I’m not likely to get much better until this stress has left my life.