Has anyone used beta blockers? I've just been prescribed and I'm intimidated by the fact that they must be taken every night. Any scary symptoms?
Beta blockers: Has anyone used beta... - National Migraine...
Beta blockers
Hi K---7
I was on beta blockers for migraines as well as Topamax. It worked for a few years, not a lot of symptoms, but after about 4 years I became light headed, tired. I've stopped taking them about 4 months ago and I still have the side effects, but not as strong/
I was on Beta-blokers for 3 years, no side effects for me but they didn't work for very long. I have just been told I should go back on them because I'm 6 months pregnant and they are one of the 'safe' ones to take, which may be reassuring for you to know.
Firstly I wish you luck with your migraine treatment and remember how we are all affected differently. Beta blockers didn’t work for me and the side effects were fatigue, breathlessness, weight gain and the feeling of a heavy weight on my shoulders.
Hello, I take Atenolol, a Beta Blocker. But I take one half at night and the other half in the morning. Very few side effects. I prefer it over all the rest...and I have been on many. Good Luck!
I also take atenolol and my GP explained that They would not affect my mood. I was reluctant to take them but after a few weeks I was confident enough to double the dose.
He also explained that they would help my Sumaptriptin tablets to take effect more quickly and I have found that to be the case.
I still take c.6 100mg Sumatriptan each month but have lost less days to migraines than before so I am going to stick with Atelonol for now
Hope this helps
It seems you are worried of the consequence of taking this medicine every day.
Unfortunately there is no prophylaxis that does not have any bad side effects. But there are a few of us who do not feel those side effects as much as others since we all are different.
Beta blocker is not as bad as Gabapentin or Topiramate in terms of side effects - both of these are tried by doctors on patients to see if it can help. Then there is something called Duloxetine which may work well if you have tension headaches. Again, all of these have unpleasant side effects - so the question would be, would you try these to see if migraine can be controlled or would you rather not try it because of side effects and live with horrible migraine.
There are some people (like myself) - who do not respond to any prophylaxis - but you have to keep trying (or not). I personally want to try anything (however bad side effects they may have) to control migraine, because my headache is horrible - so it's a choice that you have to make.
Alternately you may try homeopathic medicine that hardly has any side effects - but it has less success rate.
Is it amitriptaline your on?
I used flunarizine for 6 months because I started with migraines almost daily. I personally decided to use only half a pill every nigth and worked well for me, after 4 weeks I was almost migraine free, and if I had one with something over the counter was enough. For me the only side effect was a few more pounds. After 6 monts I sttoped taking the medicine and the daily migraines had gone. I still have strong migraines some times but thanks God not every day. Take in condideration that the treatment starts working like after 4 or 5 weeks. Good look.
I take propanonol 180mg every morning for migraines which is the highest dose. I've not noticed any side effects only sometimes I'll have a few heart pelputations but I've been told these are normal on these. I couldn't be without them as my migraines are less frequent and sometimes not there at all only one thing I'll say is once you start them you can't just come off then you need to do it properly via gp etc 😊
I was on atenolol for several years. They did not help my migraines. I finally asked my doctor if they could have caused me to gain weight. When he said yes, I went off of them and lost 40 pounds. Unfortunately, my migraines are still almost daily.