does any one suffer with aching shoulders and arms when a Migrain starts
chutter: does any one suffer with... - National Migraine...
yes, I do. I get pain there anyway, which can trigger migraines. But it can also get worse if I have a bad attack, and can even creep into my legs and foot, on the side that I've got the headache.
Someone responded on here once that when you have a migraine you are much more sensitive to pain. It's also know that migraine can include neck pain, so it might be that your pain is coming from there too.
I get what I can only describe as a "whole body melt down" when I get a migraine. My whole body aches from head to toe - even my elbows and fingers ache. I have to take several days off work, and rest as much as I can. The intense migraine headache lasts about a day, but the rest of my body takes about a week to get back to normal.
Part of my "you will be having a migraine tomorrow" warning system is a weird grating noise when I move my neck, (a bit like having sand in the joint) it sits where my head and neck meet , if it crunches then the neck pain is horrible.
It is unpleasant and also uncomfortable
I get tingly arms from elbow to fingertips. Think my GP thought I was having heart problems till I told her it was both sides. I never used to get this when I had the 3 day vomit-and-runs type migraines I used to get which were almost always left-sided too. One of the joys of transformed migraines maybe?