Hi all! I am 3 wks post VM. Still really fatigued and a bit dizzy- it is like my nervous system is extremely sensitive. I just started driving again- went to my son’s game (short distance) and got yelled obscenities on the way there and back.... in retrospect I feel I was making poor decisions- trying to change lanes inappropriately etc (totally unlike me). So... back to not driving again. I thought I was fine, but it seems the pathways in my brain are not connecting properly. Why and how long will this last??? Anyone? I have 3 kids and am normally an Uber Mom. Feeling helpless and frustrated
Driving?: Hi all! I am 3 wks post VM. Still... - Meningitis Now

So sorry to hear this. You will improve . The time it takes feels forever when you are in the midst of recovery.
I am almost 3 months post VM and also drove after 3 weeks but on a quiet country lane. I felt almost detached from reality , as if I had to struggle to think how to drive. In reflection I was having to think hard about everything I did as my brain was a "fog".
I think having to be somewhere for a certain time would add to the stress . Also I had to be on my own in the car without any noise or bright sun to " practise " making the driving process spontaneous again.
By 4-6 weeks it was improving.
Accept all the help you can. You will improve .
Improvement is just very slow and be kind and gentle with yourself.
I was unable to drive for 19 months following viral meningitis. I couldn’t process the information quickly enough , couldn’t judge distance and the whole experience agitated the membranes / brain inflammation and caused sever head ache .
I had to build up slowly and wear night driving glasses at night time .
Now I am back to normal I have done long distance drives but long drives can trigger headache and sometimes I find it hard to concentrate and need to take breaks.
3 weeks is very early in the recovery from VM . Resting the brain now will be better for recovery.
Your feeling of frustration is completely normal but there is hope. To be completely honest 3 weeks is still really a short period of time for recovery, so don’t be to hard in yourself. I had VM in January 2019 and I didn’t feel comfortable to drive until April and I could only do short distances until one day I just could do more. I know having kids puts a urgency on recovery but one thing Learned through my recovery process is that it takes time. I’m 8 months out and can say it was a journey but I’m good... I’m not sure if there is a such thing as back to Normal cause I still have minor things that pop up her and there..... but when I put it in perspective I’m always grateful.
I’m sending healing your way.... you will be fine( although I know it seems like an eternity). Just give yourself permission and time to heal, eventually the good days out weigh the bad days. It’s okay to feel frustrated give yourself permission to do that as well... just don’t stay in that space too long. I hope this helps. Stay strong and rest!
You and I are at the same place in our recovery. I had it in January 2019 as well. I am still not totally comfortable driving long distances, particularly if it is for stressful reasons. I still get really shaky and have brain fog. I drove to town at around 3 weeks, but I live in a town with 1 stoplight. My first trip to a big town was scary. But, I am slowly getting my confidence back. When I start getting flustered I activate my "weird" side.
Everyone here is so right on. I got vim mid January 2019 too and I just knew I couldn’t drive. My reaction to everything was so slow and I wasn’t mentally processing things quickly enough. 3 weeks is unfortunately only a short time out. I didn’t drive for a couple of months. Once I started to drive it was only a few streets away to the grocery store and back streets to avoid freeway. I also would drive on my tougher days. 8 months out I drive long distances now but only after a LOT of rest, never when tired. I stop along the way and I don’t drive when anxious or foggy brained. I know it’s really hard but don’t risk your, your kiddos or others’ safety. It can be hard to tell that you can’t drive until you start.
Hi , it’s been 4 years since VM just started driving again short distances, no traffic in a tiny town with only one stop signal. I hired a driver thru senior services $15/hr I’m not a senior yet! only to get a certified worker, to give me back some independence and pay for her myself. I’d use dial a ride but they do not service our rural area. My husband drives me for groceries, drs, etc...It’s been difficult not driving, depressing actually! No UBER either. I’ll relocate in future given the same situation. Good luck , as others have stated ur ability will come back each of us are on their own time line of healing.
Just wanted to add that it may or may not help you, a natural path dr put me on 15mg NP Thyroid \ 1 per day. I did not test low but she stated VM affects the thyroid gland affecting balance & dizziness, it has given me a new lease I’m driving again after 4 years! No specialist could help me, i’am so thank for her , when I reduce the thyroid dose even for a day the dizziness & balance issues come back. May this help any person reading this response.
I am 3 years post meningoencephilitis. I still don't drive very much. All the motion makes me dizzy and confused. Be careful.
Hi, I had VM Aug 18 and still unable to drive any real distance. I am a mum of four and live remotely so desperately need to drive. Suffering with visual vertigo and currently awaiting results for vesticular testing. Don’t lose heart and keep trying everyday.
So Sorry, love. This disease is so cruel. I'm 6 months out and do not drive at all - haven't once since I was released from the hospital. If/when I feel more comfortable trying to drive I plan to take a defensive driving course first. That sounds corny, but it will get us a cut on our insurance, plus I feel like the refresher can't hurt. At 6 months movement makes me dizzy still and I can get turned around and confused just WALKING, so I don't think it's worth the risk to me or anyone else on the road to try.
I’m 7 months in and have yet to drive. You are waaaaaay too early to be thinking about it, imho. It’s just not worth your safety or that of others.