Scared of this happening again and limiting my future and success
How do I stop this from ever happening agai... - Meningitis Now
How do I stop this from ever happening again? Terrified to live a life of sickness.
Looking for prevention tips
This is, I'm afraid, almost impossible to answer because you haven't said what form of the disease you have had but even then it's not easy to say 'this is how you avoid meningitis'. There are recurring forms of viral meningitis (I was diagnosed with Mollaret's in 2010) but to quote the Baz Lurman song 'Sunscreen' worrying is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation with bubble gum. Statistically though the chances of contracting meningitis are very small with most GPs never seeing a case in their career for example, and so by definition the chances of contracting it more than once are even smaller. Mollaret's is incredibly rare, so rare in fact that my GP told me I couldn't possibly have it which meant it too 3 years to be properly diagnosed.
Whatever form of the disease you have had it is a fact that it can cause changes to how you feel and anxiety about another attack is very common and if this becomes overwhelming then please do seek medical help. There's nothing weak about doing so and even though some people think of it as failure it absolutely isn't, if you broke your leg you wouldn't think going to hospital for treatment was a sign of weakness it would make common sense to make you feel better. Hang in there and good luck, Jonathan