Running facet, engines, fridges, loud conversations are unbearable
Hyperacusis. Anyone have this sound sensiti... - Meningitis Now
Hyperacusis. Anyone have this sound sensitivity. Running facet, engines, fridges, loud conversations are unbearable
Yes I do and use noise filtering ear plugs.
Yep at first the sound of roadworks unbearable and children screaming awful
Yes, I had terrible trouble with all sound. Try using ear plugs, but also try not to over protect yourself when you are able. I have heard that anyone who has a low sound level will eventually develop an intolerance to sound. I also recommend doing things to calm yourself. I developed a fear of sound. Things to try: meditation, stretching, valerian, chamomile tea, passion flower. Some people have been helped with acupuncture. I found that osteopathy and chiropractic helped me, but it took a long time to notice a change.
Also extreme fatique and bed ridden. Did you get symptoms with noises like cheat pain or head numbness?
Sounds like you need LOTS of rest. Maybe try one of the herbs I recommended, but also pay attention. Melatonin actually gave me more insomnia than I already had. Magnesium can help too (magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate are good, but everyone is different). Start slow with that. Yes, I had chest pain related to loud noises. It seems like noise would just cause panic in me (aside from tinnitus). Lately, I’ve been helping my chest pain by propping myself with pillows (so my chest is not sunken). I have the sense that the VM interacts with maybe low-level stuff that was already going on, aside from really messing with our bodies. I would get actual pain in my head from talking on the phone. When I started using earphones when talking on the phone, that helped a lot. I put the volume on low and even pull the earphones out if the noise gets too much.
Not for me. It's just that every sound bothered me. I know it's hard, but try not to overprotect yourself. Experiment with just a little sound maybe once an hour. I still cover my windows at night to make sure everything is quiet.
How r with no movement ex people moving an cat shaking his head anything fast pace ? Was sound bad as movment