Following on from yesterday’s post, I’d like to discuss all the different types of befriending such as:
•Face to Face Befriending on a one to one basis
•Telephone Befriending
•Email, Text, Messenger or WhatsApp messages – these are useful as they can include pictures of things to discuss or to show each other.
•Group Befriending – sadly not able to take place at present but normally a good way of getting to know a wider range of people in a supportive environment
•Peer Befriending - This is where people with similar conditions, experiences or interests support each other in a mutual way
•Penpals - A lovely way of keeping in touch with regular letters, postcards, photos, magazine cuttings, poems, pictures etc. Great for intergenerational work.
What do you think are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the above types of befriending? Do some suit certain age groups? Would a mixture of these work for you?