Here you can introduce yourself to the group! Tell us as much or as little you want to about yourself. Please refrain from replying to posts here and this is just for introductions.
Introductions, tell us about you! - Lynch Syndrome UK
Introductions, tell us about you!

Hi, I'm Mark and I'm an Alcoholic,oh bugger wrong forum! Seriously though, diagnosed at 37 with Colon Cancer stage 3. Lynch positive for the MSH2 mutation. 10 years out from surgery but only found out I had lynch a few years ago. Healthy and well, hoping to remain that way.
My name is Tracy Smith, I was diagnosed 12 years ago at the age of 33 after I was found to have Bowel Cancer. I had no family history of cancer and was the first in my family to be diagnosed, MSH2 mutation. We have had 48 people tested in my family/extended family so far and 18 of them have the gene fault. I have lost my little sister and cousin due to LS related cancers.
Sick and tired of hitting brick walls, I happened along some like minded individuals and the registered charity Lynch Syndrome UK was born of which I am one of the trustees. xx

Hi, my name is Delia and I was diagnosed with Lynch Syndrome in 2014 2 & 1/2 years after my diagnosis of Rectal cancer.
Here to help and spread awareness of Lynch Syndrome wherever and wherever x
Hello! I'm Caroline, 45 years old & tested positive for Lynch syndrome (MSH6 mutation) 2 years ago in 2014 & had a prophylactic hysterectomy & oophorectomy a couple of months later.
I'm fortunate not to have had cancer, and had started bowel screening prior to being tested because it was suspected to be in the family for several years before anyone was diagnosed.
Hello, I'm Rachel. I had my first case of Colon Cancer in my early 30's and then again 9 years later. I and my sister have inherited Lynch from our Father, who has now passed away. I'm now 49 and have had regular ovarian scans at St Georges in London since then and annual colonoscopies in my home town of Worthing. Last year I had a partial hysterectomy because they found very early signs of endometrial cancer. I feel blessed to have a good team who monitor me, so I focus on the positive and the fact everything was caught in time. I'm so glad there's more awareness of this condition now.
Hi I’m Shawnna, I live in the USA and I’ve just had labs drawn to check for Lynch Syndrome. I have lost everyone on my fathers side up to my great grandfather with Cancers that I may have inhereited the gene for. Anxious for results. Happy to be here and learn and support other.