Dear Friends my tumours in my lung have grown a little: Top right tumour has grown 2mm and bottom left 0.5mm. The cancer still is only my Right Lung and so hasn't spread. So it's goodish news according to my oncologist. I'm not up any treatment as the cancer is 'stable'. This will be checked in January with a CT Scan followed by an oncologist appointment where God willing the cancer is much the same. Otherwise it's a phase 1 clinical trial. So we are still praying that the cancer will remain the same and stable, not spark into lots of growth activity. Any thoughts or ideas. Thanks for your time.
CT Scan Results : Dear Friends my... - Global Lung Cance...
CT Scan Results

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The cancer is going to do whatever the cancer is going to do. Time spent worrying about it is time you can’t get back. What you have to do is stay on top of your regular CTs, eat healthy and get some form of exercise. It’s whats kept me alive 8 years with stage 4 lung adenocarcinoma.
Stable is a great thing. I was stable for 3 years before my dr said I was NED.