What do you feel your anxiety has take... - Living with Anxiety

Living with Anxiety

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What do you feel your anxiety has taken from you the most?

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17 Replies
FairyfeetX profile image

most, it's left me isolated & fearful of making decisions, my dependence on one person is annoying them.

Will2015abc profile image

All of the above unfortunately- it starts slow and you tend not to notice at first as you are just trying to manage your anxiety- just trying to get through the day. Then friends family get tired of it/you - stop asking you to go to things. And then confidenence and self worth start to decrease. And when you do push SO hard to be with family/friends they assume “you’re ok” or you get the “ pull yourself together” talk.... it’s sad but true there is still a huge stigma and miseducation about what it is to struggle everyday just being you.....

laxma profile image
laxma in reply to Will2015abc

Will-2015 ABC- I so relate to your comments. I am told daily by my wife you are ok just get it together. Be strong. so I push and look happy at parties on the outside but inside my body is on fire and by the time is over at event I am exhausted. People think anxiety is like a cut it takes a few days and your back to normal. I try to explain but sometimes it is like talking to a wall. My anxiety is mostly in the mornings. Some days i just want to pull the covers over me and hide but I know I can not because of work and family.

This site allows me to vent and at times it allows me to relax after i read some of the other issues people have.

We need to keep moving forward and to do our best.

Will2015abc profile image
Will2015abc in reply to laxma

Hi laxma I’m so sorry you’re going through the same. As I always say “if I had a broken leg you would see the cast on my leg, but because you can’t see this illness it’s “less than” to people”.

And I “love” when people say it’s all in your head .... eh correct !! It’s called ANXIETY it isn’t in my little toe!!!

My anxiety is worse in the mornings too. Doesn’t matter what day of week it even what time I wake up I might get up and within 30 seconds..... the heart starts pounding the fear of impending doom feeling comes over me. Etc etc. It’s SO hard and SO hard to have to defend something that you don’t even want.

So I hear you loud and clear!

Mich love and peace to you.


laxma profile image
laxma in reply to Will2015abc

Thanks for response - have you found anything that helps for your mornings

Will2015abc profile image
Will2015abc in reply to laxma

I find sticking to a certain routine helps. I get up have some tea. Then have some breakfast and just “sit” for 10 minutes or so breathing. It doesn’t get rid of it but it’s far better I find than if I’m in a hurry (cause I end up being even more late cause of the anxiety).

Peppa2016 profile image
Peppa2016 in reply to Will2015abc

That’s something I can totally relate to every morning the worry I’m gonna get my daughter to school on time , I can get up an hour earlier and still be late.😐

Will2015abc profile image
Will2015abc in reply to Peppa2016

I hear you! You’re not alone. ❤️

Africschoice profile image
Africschoice in reply to Will2015abc

OMG the " pull yourself together mother, I haven't got time for this, your either in or your out" talk had it just the other day and for the first time in my life I said "I'm out"

ciley profile image
ciley in reply to Will2015abc


Redfox9 profile image

All, it isolated me to large extent.

NCAQuilter profile image

I feel totally isolated, except for my husband (very supportive). My best friend died about 15 years ago, and I haven't had one since. Some have tried to be friends, but I just don't respond. I'm friendly, but very private. I'd like to have friends, but am afraid to. Of what, I haven't a clue.

My anxiety really manifests itself when I'm getting ready for an appointment. Up until I'm actually in the car and driving, every excuse not to go that I can think of floods my mind. I have even turned around and come home a couple times. It is really bad when I am going somewhere new. And, it doesn't matter how much I want to go. By the time I get out the door, I'm a nervous wreck! And this applies to returning phone calls, too!!!!

This is all unfounded, because I've always been accepted with enthusiasm! But, the greater the enthusiasm, the greater my fear.

This is a vicious circle that erodes my feeling of self worth. I don't understand it!

ciley profile image
ciley in reply to NCAQuilter


Blainewood profile image

It has caused me to question my faith.

Africschoice profile image

Yep that anxiety associate never seems far away and wants to come to most events 😕

benmaise profile image

I think Anxiety affects every part of my life.

Will2015abc profile image

Literally everything. My friends family members my job that I LOvED. Even my doctors now don’t take me seriously. I wake up everyday “okay”. I get up and within 2 minutes the morning anxiety kicks in. I have to immediately have breakfast otherwise I’m worse all day. It’s subsides after breakfast to anxiety levels that I can “act normal” with but even acting normal is exhausting. It has almost broken my marriage and I have literally no medical care that has any solution - in fact one therapist I saw said I had the worst case of anxiety disorder that she had ever seen! I’m still actively working to live with it (seeking out holistic therapies as well as continuing to take meds for it and attend a doc but other than that I am in a prison on anxiety that does not allow me to live no matter how hard I try to push through or let it flow over me or any of the techniques I was taught. I am lost. And believe me when I say I’ve tried everything.