How does the Autumn / Winter affect yo... - Living with Anxiety

Living with Anxiety

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How does the Autumn / Winter affect your Anxiety and do we have any coping techniques to help us ?

18 Voters
My Anxiety is just the same no matter what Season it is
My Anxiety is so much worse during the Autumn/Winter
I do have coping techniques that help me through the Autumn / Winter
I do not have any coping techniques to help me through Autum/Winter
Autumn /Winter does not affect my anxiety
5 Replies

Please feel free to share if your Anxiety gets worse during the Winter months and anything you have in place which you find helps you :-)

FairyfeetX profile image

Anxiety pretty much the same but oddly Depression that I always had at the onset of Winter has lessened - since getting my VITAMIN D levels up. [One GP marked me as ok with 21, now 50 +.] I take 5,000 all yr round. Added benefit - NO chilblains which have plagued me each winter for 30-odd years. Anxiety - I now know to expect it, which doesn't seem very positive but there's no shock/upset when it hits, also after thinking it was fixable -LOL! - I'm in acceptance mode. Current winter-related angst is running out of oil [rural, no gas], keeping warm - I have peripheral neurology, asthma, FND.....

Having a dog who loves you even more for taking him long Autumn walks is good for both of you.

in reply to FairyfeetX

Hello :-)

Thank You for your reply and such a positive one to :-)

So many of us with anxiety have low vitamin D something Doctors can be reluctant to test I have found but I wish they would do it more as I to had low levels when tested and when they are low it does make you feel worse , glad your levels are good now :-)

I so wish I did not have ocd as that stops me having a pet of any kind and again I agree with you in what ever pet you have can help your mood and if you are lucky enough to have a dog like you it helps to get you out no matter what the weather is like outside :-)

You sound in a pretty good place and dealing with your anxiety and depression well , I hope we see you on the Community a lot more and your progress long continues :-) x

jules2105 profile image

Yes my anxiety is much worse during these months, i think its because it is so cold and miserable weather. I try to go out for walks at lunchtime as much as possible during winter months, do things i enjoy and book plenty of things to do with family and friends 😀

Jules x

in reply to jules2105

Good copying strategies you have there to help you get through the winter months :-) x