Anyone know of CP specialists in the UK?
Specialists: Anyone know of CP... - Living Positively...

There are none on the nhs. There are paediatric specialist but there is no clinical pathway for adults with cp! Bobath centre offer therapy from specialist but that is self funded!

This is the trouble I'm having too... Just yesterday I went back to my GP to get referred back for more physio (I only had 5 sessions last time) As I have noticed a really change in my posture, and it has started to affect my back. I asked my GP if he could refer to a specialist, and he said that he didn't know of any and that we'd see what the physio says.....
I have considered going private just to get regular stretches in with a physio, as I find it really difficult to get people to spare the time to help stretch me out, or people that are confident in helping me.
I'm lucky to have a private neurophysio near me but they are expensive