Hi guys just asking on this one , I applied for pip three months ago and ended up just getting standard rate on both , I’m 39 my mobility is pretty bad , my has to care for me a lot due to my walking and balance and drop food so day to day is really hard for me , i have appealed the pip and hopefully get some good news , has anyone else had these problems with pip ,
Pip: Hi guys just asking on this one... - Leukodystrophy Su...
Leukodystrophy Support
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What is pip?
Hi i had applied for pip and was given standard rate as well. My mum appealed on my behalf as my leucodystophy worsened and my balance got worse. She appealed and we went to court and karen came along and after 20 mins was awarded the enhanced rate.
Thank you karen for the support
Ok brilliant thanks for the feed back , looks like il be doing the same then , just ant write I’ve been told it’s because they don’t know anuff about the illness
Contact Karen at Alextlc I am sure she would help. I was lucky and got DLA straight away and then got PIP but I know of others that have had to appeal. I was also a member of Benefits and Work website. You have to pay but they have lots of help pages.
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