Taking part in a clinical trial will be a consideration many of you will at some time undertake.
The aim of this Leukaemia Care webinar is to help inform you of how clinical trials are run and elements you should consider when making decisions. The webinar and expert panel will seek to answer questions such as:
Why are clinical trials important in medicine?
How important are trials when weighing up your treatment options and preferences?
Are there any risks involved in a clinical trial?
Who regulates clinical trials?
What regulations are in place to make sure that the drug is safe before it reaches a clinical trial?
What are the benefits of being involved in a clinical trial?
Where can I find out more about available trials?
We will be joined by:
Professor Francesco Forconi, Professor of Haematology, Honorary Consultant Haematologist, University of Southampton NHS trust.
Emma Williams, Research Nurse Manager, University Hospital of Wales
Eleanor Pearce. Senior Clinical Research Nurse, Haematology & Transplant Unit, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Jackie Martin - Patient Advocate
Please do join us registration is free here: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/reg...