This is one of the few opportunities to engage directly with NHS about how patient data is/will be used and patient voices need to be part of this. Please consider joining this free webinar to share your views
The COVID-19 exit strategy – what next for patient data
A use MY data webinar - Wednesday, 09 September, 10:00 to 11:00.
You can register here
You will be able to engage, through questions and polls. this webinar is aimed at patients, relatives and carers, the public and professionals and is open to all who are interested.
To be able to respond to COVID-19 the Secretary of State issued a wide package of measures enabling healthcare organisations, Arms’ Length Bodies and local authorities to be able to process and share the data they need to respond to COVID-19. One part of this package is a range of notices referred to as the Control of Patient Information (COPI) regulations, which allow the processing of confidential patient information for a specific purpose. These notices are due to end in March 2021.
NHSX are the body responsible for patient data during the pandemic and work to the Secretary of State. This blog explains how NHSX use your data during the pandemic Data and information governance
Andy Moody, Senior Data Policy Advisor, NHSX will join this webinar to explain more about the COPI notices and what they have meant for the use and sharing of patient data, touching on some projects that are currently underway using these notices. In particular, what could happen in March 2021 when the COPI notices are due to end. Andy will also cover how the COPI regulations have affected a patient’s right to opt-out of their data being used.
About useMYdata
UseMYdata work to promote the benefits of sharing and using data to improve patient outcomes with sensible safeguards against misuse.
useMYdata act as a sounding board for patient concerns and aspirations over the sharing and using of data in healthcare and health research.