The diagnostic telomere testing tool developed by Profs: Fegan, Baird and Pepper at Cardiff University has been selected as a finalist in the 2018 Innovation and Impact Awards .
' It can forecast the outcome of common cancer types like breast cancer and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL), and help identify patients who do, and do not, require early treatment.
It has picked up the Medical Innovation Award at this year’s Cardiff University Innovation and Impact Awards.
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Patients diagnosed with CLL may have to spend many years of emotional and psychological stress while waiting to find out if their cancer will progress. This innovative tool will help identify those never likely to require treatment and those most likely to respond to certain types of treatment. This tool can stratify cancer patients early into appropriate treatment pathways and help inform decision making by both patients and their treating physicians.
The peoples vote is open here until 12:00 on Friday 22 June.