Jill Brook, MA on the LDN Radio Show 8th April 2020
Jill Brook has been a nutritionist, researcher and dysautonomia patient for over 25 years. Her recent publications focus on SIBO, POTS and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. She serves as nutrition consultant to the Dysautonomia Clinic, which provides in-office, phone and video consults to patients with complex disorders worldwide.
Jill Brook has dysautonomia and battles it with diet. She explains how our microbiome are important to our autoimmune system. They are affected directly by what we eat. Jill gives many hints on how to feed our good microbiome and starve the bad.
Review by Ken Bruce
YouTube: youtu.be/TEvvdhb-Tg8
MixCloud: mixcloud.com/LDNRT/jill-bro...
Vimeo Video: vimeo.com/389057927