Does your Medication help with your HS?
Weird maybe. But anyone on RA medicat... - Hidradenitis Supp...
Weird maybe. But anyone on RA medication?
Sorry I tried all sorts of medications you can think of and it didn't help with my hs. I am reading the book the hidden plague and now I understand my hs and how it works. It's a must buy and only diet will calm your flare ups! I already started and I can see a slight change within a week!
Thank you! I have actually heard of this book before, it must be really popular. I'm going to purchase one tonight! I have heard a lot about diet and cutting out gluten to decrease the inflammation response. Thank you for responding
Hiya, I've been using collidial silver gel and omg it's amazing to my skin, I have flares everywhere and each month it's worse (hormonal) but I have been using silver and I won't go back. Everyone it's worth trying, but use gel not cream as cream has lanolin in and it doesn't help but the gel does a lot. Well so far so good I really hope it keeps working as draws all the gunk out on a daily basis and the lumps are now flat. Still need healing but glad not swollen and painful. Hope this helps
Also I am trialling metformin which diabetics use and I feel it's helping, only been on it 2 months as well but because mines hormonal it's supposed to keep the levels lower. Also taking zinc and magnesium on a daily basis.