So happy I found a NA meeting hope it goes well but there is plenty can't wait for the support
Exited: So happy I found a NA meeting hope it... - HIV Partners
Hi there how are u doing i hope ur doing good as for me anm doing good just working and home
I'm doing great went to a NA meeting yesterday was pretty cool group
What's an NA group? I went to a HIV group here in the UK and it really helped me put my own predicament into perspective. I was ill a lot to begin with, my first meds made me crazy crazy and lots of my hair fell out. I hated the general public and didn't want to go out, still struggle with people sometimes lol!
At the meeting I went to along with my friend who was negative but was there to support the me.
There was a woman who was talking to us about the fact that she was informing her 14 year old daughter about her diagnosis - that really brought it home to me that I was really only looking at my condition from my own point of view.
There were also some local couples there and guys and they were hot looking and not ill like I was. That helped me to see that I was going to be ok in the long term.
Finally my friend was shocked that a guy he'd been seeing was there! When I say seeing I mean shagging and not safe, now he'd always tried it on with me and wanted to use condoms with me but was obviously still having unprotected sex with others. I texted the guy who was there (I had his number) to reassure him of discretion.
Anyway it just goes to show that negative guys still don't understand that it's much more likely to contract HIV from someone who doesn't have it than an open Poz guy on meds - even your friends will still go out and shag guys BB when they know what it has done to you and they will still treat you with prejudice even if they don't realise they are doing it!
I'm totally cool with it now and the meeting really helped me even though I haven't been since.