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Hepatitis C Trust

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Cara78 profile image
37 Replies

Hi everyone my name is Cara and have decided to embark on an 8 week course of treatment to rid this virus from my system so I can have the life nature intended. I have been infected for 18 years. As an artist i have a predisposition to depression but I really think that having hep c is made me lethargic and foggy. I put this virus to the back of my mind for a VERY long time. It's time for me to get better folks. I'm only 39 and feel I've done my work here on earth😂😂😂. That is how tired I am, you all know what I'm talking about. Any suggestions on what the 8 week treatment is? I live in the UK. I'm genotype 1a

Thanks in advance

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Cara78 profile image
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37 Replies

I will be able to tell you tomorrow as that’s when my treatment starts and that’s the type I have. Welcome xx

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to


navigatinglife profile image
navigatinglife in reply to

Great news 😘😚

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

You ok toots x

navigatinglife profile image

Hi cara78. I am just finishing week 3. I hope my posts give you hope that treatment isn't too bad, a little up & down but fingers x ed it works. I may have had this for 30 yrs, been sick & like you have very painful joints. I am genotype 3 so not so good. 8 wks just a blip in a lifetime, and yes you are way too young to leaving and am sure you have more to create 🎨🎨🎭

I post on hepc support and tell it like it is😂 If I can cope with this, honestly anybody can, including you 😍

virtual hug and best dreams 😙😙

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to navigatinglife

Aw that's a lovely positive piece of encouragement! Thankyou😊Do you take any particular vitamins with your treatment! I'm glad I joined this wee group cuz I know of no one else getting it. Roll on a few weeks😄

navigatinglife profile image
navigatinglife in reply to Cara78

I don't take any supplements, but I do indulge in raw garlic! 😵 I was eating it every morning but have slipped and just eat it when I have a panic that the meds may not be working 😂😂😂 I also drink lots of herbal teas xx

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to navigatinglife

Yeh! I like my herbal teas. There is that many now. I take ground turmeric and ground ginger with a wee bit of milk and hot water and drink it on one go, I think it helps my joints. I love my herbs but il need to leave them out when treatment starts. Il resume when I finish. Herbs are powerful and good for my wellbeing in general but nothing is helping me at the moment.Time for the nasty chemicals to invade 😂

navigatinglife profile image
navigatinglife in reply to Cara78

That's exactly how I was! I even made the ancient master tonic. Tried homeopathic remedies etc my joints have just started getting worse again, like you say, no herbs etc recommended. do you know what meds you're getting? 😍

Cara78 profile image

They said it would be an 8 week course. I'm genotype 1a I have no idea. What treatment only lasts 8 weeks? I'm in UK. It could be the one you are on? Yeh I tried alot of things to cure this😎 don't think it's made me worse but it I really havnt got the energy n money to keep it all up. I tried what the yogis and 200,000 Chinese practice.....it helped but isn't practical cuz I'm on a medication for depression that I will be off soon.

Sillysausage234 profile image

Hi cara,it’s very good to meet you as such,and good to hear you have been offered treatment soon,I’ve not long finished mine 3 months ago, it was for type3a a drug called epclusa.there seems to a couple of options available now...😊

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to Sillysausage234

R u in UK.

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Cara78

Yes I’m sw England

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to Sillysausage234

I'm in Glasgow. They said it would be an 8 week course from what I have researched it could be longer. I see consultant in next few weeks. My kpa reading from fibroscan was 9 and it was 7 2 years ago, so it'd Defo progressing.

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Cara78

Good your getting treatment now then eh mine was a 12 week one

Cara78 profile image

How are you feeling now you've finished your meds?

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Cara78

Not as fatigued and right side pain not like it was

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to Sillysausage234

That's positive. It's the fatigue that holds me back. Glad your pain is better😊

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Cara78

Yes it’ was the fatigue that done me not been as depressed either 🙂

Cara78 profile image

That's really good. Depression is awful. I get like that and no amount of anti depressants help me n then family say u should exercise n go out more😌(If it were that simple) well I'm gony get on this treatment n maybe not die as young which will reduce the fatigue then il be able to address my other problems with better stamina.

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Cara78

I’m sure your health all around will improve as your immune system gets used to being free again😊 it smacks you for 6 years of hep c. Are there many in Scotland getting treated now?

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to Sillysausage234

Yeah, they must be rounding us all up because it was through something entirely different that I got seen so quickly. I have only visited the hospital twice regarding the hepatitis and this time around through someone I got an appointment within 2 weeks. I always used to miss appointments but I feel it's affecting me more now cuz it's 18 years now n I've not led the healthiest of lifestyles.

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Cara78

Well, at least your on it now I was the same,missed appointments and all that,you have to be stable to see treatment through .but as you mature you realise that it’s a lifeline also the old treatment was a brutal way of getting sorted out and wasn’t always successful.

Cara78 profile image

I've read terrible experiences people had on the older treatments. A girl i know was on it 4 years ago lost her hair amongst other things. We'll it's onwards n onwards n I'm no daft enough to think the new treatment doesn't have ANY long term effects but at most my quality of life will improve.i do believe there's always a price to pay n hopefully mine will be on special offer lol

in reply to Cara78

My fibroscan was 21.5 ... I’ve hardly any symptoms of liver disease and am still in disbelief mode here 🤔 I take aged garlic extract daily for blood pressure and have recently tried milk thistle for my liver. For the first four weeks it cured my migraines then it started to give me tummy. Ramps and diarrhoea so I take a half dose every other day as life’s complicated enough without needing the loo every hour

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to

I take garlic oil capsules and used to take loads of turmeric n ginger (ground) if I drink alcohol or drink too much my hands face & ankles swell up, so does my stomach. Maybe we can't really go by kpa scans. I'm actual excited for u today cuz your getting your treatment n I'm looking forward to hearing how u get on.

Mizzkent profile image
Mizzkent in reply to Cara78

Hey Cara it’s been lovely chatting to you babe 😊 I take vitamins from a company called Ariix they are toxin free a lot of Vits out are full of nasty chemicals because the industry is not regulated and most are made with synthetics that the body cannot even absorb.You can not half feel the difference when you take them but they are expensive.You can get them of eBay cheaper but there still about £20/25 for a months supply their omega 3 is amazing and good for depression and I take their Magical D which is magnesium has a few other ingredients in as well most people are lacking in magnesium also helps you sleep.The multi vits are amazing as well they also do a product called restoriix by far the best product I’ve ever taken It is a detox made with activated charcoal spirilla and a few other things. Really helps with the fatigue etc. Not had it in a while as I’ve been skint this year.👎 You have to be careful with it if your on medication though as it can flush it out so you have to take it 2 hours before or 2 hours after. I’m gonna invest in some for after my treatment.Rids all the body from toxins and gives a colon cleanse. Your skin and everything is glowing from it. 😊x

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to Mizzkent

Waw😆we have good stuff in common. There is a superfood I'm gony start taking again I can take during treatment it's called "nature's living superfood. I got a call from nurse so definitely starting treatment at end of January. Another nurse is gony phone me and run through my blood results with me. Apparently my case is straight forward so won't need to see the consultant🤔I've been skint as well they cut me off some benefits but I'm appealing it. I can't afford much just now but that's ok cuz I'm not starving. Yeh omega 3 for moods n vit d sounds good.i used to take tons of vit b too. Il be taking a multivit during treatment n drinkin loads of water absolutely no alcohol n I vape(not much)onwards n onwards.

Mizzkent profile image
Mizzkent in reply to Cara78

Haha you sound exactly like me 😊my brother told me about a special tea will have to check my messages to see what it’s called been meaning to look into it would forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on 🤣yes I also got a load of benefits stopped this year too👎I was going to put in for PIP until I went for a Psychiatric assessment on the 7th they never listened to a word I said I asked my GP for a copy of my care plan and had a complete meltdown. Because all the info in it was wrong vital bits missed of worded in a way that made me look like a liar. So now am screwed but I have someone else from mental health looking into it because apparently I’m not the first this has happened too.

Great news all your treatment has been set for you. I’m gonna give it another week to see if I get a confirmation letter then if not I’m gonna ring up. Because I still have yet to hear anything not sure if I’m starting on the 4th or not. 🙏xx

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to Mizzkent

Loosing pip crippled me. I'm waiting on tribunal date. They told lies on my form welfare rights are dealing with it now and ultimately I believe it's in God's hands now. I so believe there's a bigger source to help us if we tune into it.😊

Mizzkent profile image
Mizzkent in reply to Cara78

Oh yes Cara I believe that too 😊🙌 am not gonna bother with mine now I missed the date anyway and they had given me more time.2018 is gonna change everything 😊 xxx

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to Mizzkent

It really will sista i truley believe that. Im starting mavyret on 29th january. Im gony get a life and am sticking with therapy cuz i kept hitting brickwalls there. My past is exactly that n im gony take a slice of the opportunities this planet has to offer. I wasn't put on the earth to lie in bed all day damaged by my past.thing is I went through a good stage when I went to college n I'm starting this health degree in Feb the world is our oyster.😁we are still young. 40 is new 30, BOTOX and a wee plump of cheeks will help me on my road 😂😂hopefully il loose a bit of weight during treatment. Positive people, positive thinking and no booze this Christmas cuz that brings me down.im getting excited....then I jump up n I'm out of breath😂😂change is possible xx

Myob67 profile image

Hi. If you’re taking Harvoni, (90 mg ledipasvar and 400mg sofisbuvir) I took it for 8 weeks with no side effects at all. I was 66 at the time and it worked for me cos I’ve been clear for a year.

The exhaustion has gone and I can do loads more, tho I’m still getting tired but I don’t know if it’s due to the Hep c or other natural effects.

Good luck with the treatment hope it works for you

Myob67 (Lin)

Cara78 profile image

Hi there! They are putting me on mavyret for 8 weeks. I'm look in forward to getting rid of this "burden"as that's exactly what it is. I'm nearly 40 and I've still got a good go in me but this virus makes you feel really old cuz of no energy.

Your probably tired cuz your doin loads more😂😂😂

Myob67 profile image
Myob67 in reply to Cara78

Cara78 I’ve only just seen your reply. Maybe I haven’t used the app correctly. ?????🤪

Thanks for your kind words. It hadn’t occurred to me that I AM doing loads more - so you could be right and now we’re in the darkest days of the year I think my body just wants to sleep through them.

Hope the Maviret is working for you. The difference is amazing when the burden goes.


Sillysausage234 profile image

Only 7 weeks left now,cara doesn’t seem 2 months ago you wrote this post xx😊

Cara78 profile image

Hi Alan! Yeh! Just shows me how quick time flies. Must make the rest of my life count and create positivity on this planet😉God, I've been depressed for so long!

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