Just really uncertain if I’m hcv free or not
I did mavyret for 8 weeks at 4wks I wa... - Hepatitis C Support
I did mavyret for 8 weeks at 4wks I was >15 at 8 wks I was undetected.. so there is a difference I’m guessing?? Anyone had similar results

I have an idea of how your feeling.the waiting for comfirmation that its gone is hard.i started Mavyret in early April and within 1 month it was undetectable.it all depends i guess on the person since we can get different results.it depends on the viral load and the type of hep c.i had type 1A.tomorrow i have an appointment for my 3 month post treatment labs.i'm a bit anxious because i want to hear i'm cured.🙏 God bless you and keep us posted
Ok ty for replying.. wishing u blessings🙏🏾 & luck🤞🏾For ur outcome.. the waiting is CRAZY!! But it’s well worth it.. to b rid of something that plagues us
Yes!!! I also was undetected viral load at the 4th week on Mevyret. Yea! However, I am nervous about 6 hemangioma that I have acquired after taking Estrace for 9 months. Before that time I only had a history of one hemangioma. Has anyone else experienced similar? So, what happens next? The report states that, at least, one if them had venous and arterial origin. I'm so concerned.
I Admin a number of HepC support groups with memberships of 7,000+ worldwide and this same concern comes up fairly often. The widely excepted agreement is >15 non-detected at 12 weeks post treatment is SVR, Sustained Viral Response or CURED. The PCR Viral Load test can only detect down to 12 or 15 depending on the particular test being done. The >15 non-detected means there is no viral load detecable, if at 12 weeks post treatment you remain at non-detected you are clear of the virus, cured. The new Direct Acting Anti Viral treatment meds and there have been no viral returns after SVR except by accidental re-infection.
Same here. Just finished my 8wks last week of mavyret and just got blood work back. Dr said it's undetected. She told me that means it doesn't show up couse it's gone. Another blood test in 3 months but she said I'm cured. Enjoy rest of life n try not to worry. Ur are gonna be fine my friend. Congrats
Cool.. I go for my 3 months in oct.. so grateful for the painless medication.. little if any side effects.. god is good& I plan on living & eating better now that I hv a 2 nd chance
I wish u the wonderful news next month that u are cured and can get on with your life without worries of help c. I agree I really liked the Mavyret. No harsh side affects. In the beginning a little nausia and cpl headaches other than just being tired all the time. Hey I can live with that to cure this disease. Again congrats and good luck with next months blood tests.
Yes I'm done with treatment. Undetected. Then go back for 3month test and make sure it's gone.