Start my hep c treatment in the morning.. not looking forward to it for some reason I'm feel fear
Hep c: Start my hep c treatment in the... - Hepatitis C Support
Hep c

What you feel is normal. We all feel like you before we begin. I am sure you can do it. I had it 41 years, did not even know for 31 years and the old treatments for a year did not work. I was too ill to be treated again for 10 years then came new treatments. I am now cured. But I had hep c the length of time it requires till it becomes liver cancer so now I fight liver cancer. You want to be brave and pisitive. You can do this. The fear is kind of a side effect, its just there do not feed it. Just do the treatment as well as you can. The best thing you can do on treatment is to rest, eat well, exercise, avoid people who upset you. Best wishes
Hello English! I felt the same and it is only natural when you are going on an unknown path. Especially on your own. You may have support but it is your body going through it. You must think of the final results and how much better you will feel.
We cannot keep that virus in our bodies. The fear is normal but try to stay strong and push through it.
Good luck! I pray that I get a treatment started cause I've been in so much pain but mostly at night when I ly down and don't sleep good anymore. I wish you the best. Good vibes!
Hi lorilipka008!
Where is it that you hurt? I have pain in liver area & am constantly told that this isn't a painful disease, the liver can't hurt, blah blah blah. I beg to differ! It damn well can & does hurt! I don't make this crap up! I'm not a dope seeker either. I'm weary of the sideways glances when I report my pain issues & then hear all the reasons why I'm full of crap. I'm not as dumb as they believe me to be & research everything to exhaustion.
The last GI I saw started the same old tired speech & I abuptly stopped him telling him that I'm aware the disease isn't painful. But the damage left behind is & it isn't repairable unless he can make scar tissue regenerate.
Every doc I see I tell straight up that I took human anatomy with cadaver lab so I'm not ignorant or how the body works & can understand most medical terminology. I'm still treated as a person of limited understanding.
My last doc was a peach & never did that to me. She's way more intelligent being a chemical engineer with her PhD than most other doctors out there. She hated the isolation of a lab & wanted to actually help people.
Sorry! I didn't mean to rant! Geez!
What is your pain level? You are losing sleep you said so I'm sure it's bad.
Do you still have your gallbladder?
Hi, english74ty! I hope you're fears have calmed & all is going well for you! What treatment are you undergoing? How are you feeling?
I have other medical issues at this time that are more pronounced, menopause & RA & a possibility of lupus on top of PTSD.
I take supplements & some herbs for now. I feel so so. Good days bad days.....insomnia is my battle at the moment, but I've lost my appetite almost completely.
Thanks for asking!
How are you doing?
I did intron therapy w/ Rivovivarin years ago when it was experimental. I was classed a non responder with a geno type 1.
I'm not currently on any treatment since learning my liver is fully cirrhosis.