Danjenn: I am concerned about the welfare of Danjenn... - Headway


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Molly15 profile image
11 Replies

I am concerned about the welfare of Danjenn after a very worrying post a week or so ago. Does anyone have any news?

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Molly15 profile image
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11 Replies
sporan profile image

He did repost appologising for panicing everyone and requested admin to delete post which I believe they have done.

Apparently it was done while under the influence which I guess we all know when you're feeling deppresed can make you say thing you don't really mean.

Admin did post a reply saying that they had been in contact with him.

Unfortunately I have seen no recent posts which is a shame because of the support he could get here. Maybe he feel a little embarrased but he shouldn't. This si what the forum is about. Support and helping get rid of the feeling of isolation we all feel at times and undoubtedly at the initial onset of outr problems.


If you are reading this DanJenn we all understand and are willing support or comfort in what ever way we can. There is absolutely no need for embarresment. My attrocius spelling should tell you that. It wasn't this bad before tumour and if you think my spelling is bad you should hear me trying to talk coherently.

Take care and come back soon.


Molly15 profile image
Molly15 in reply to sporan

Thank you for your reply sporan. I am so relieved to hear that. I did ask the question of Health Unlocked, but didn't get a positive answer. Yes, I do understand how easy it is to get so down, and feel like giving up. Lets hope things are improving for him now. Thanks again.


If we live alone and get ill or have an accident (like me) nobody knows if we're alive or dead or lying injured and unable to get to phone, knocked out if hit head? Got very ill xmas 2012, alone and bit out of my mind coz fever. Brain worse, more damaged, ever since.

Suicidal? Ring Samaritans or Headway helpline, they talk, helps a bit but then alone. Tell GP = they send to mental health. Tell mental health and either get assessed (for risk?) then dumped back into community with no help or support. Oh but with DRUGS to take which can be very harmful and should be very last resort = IF we OK it.

Social services today asked me if I was taking my medication! Not THEIR business and they do ZILCH to help me. Someone's been in my home (who, when, why, how ?) and nobody gives a toss including police. They all think I'm lying or what? Obviously I'm scared but even the psych said 'you're over-dramatising', the nasty cow.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to

Hi Muddled - I think I saw somewhere in one of your posts last week that you live in France - I do in Dept 72. I can relate to much of what you've said on here - but we have to battle on with the authorities here, difficult tho it is with the culture and language differences and also living alone. Try and stay strong - not easy with a BI and other complications/health issues - but, quoted from the Urban Dictionary - NIL Bastardum Carborundum.

Literally: Don't let the bastards get you down. ie Keep up your struggle against unfair treatment. ("Bastards" in the sense of people who treat you unfairly).

"Are you struggling to obtain your legal rights? Nil Bastardum Carborundum." meaning, literally "don't let the bastards get you down" or "don't give up in your struggle against unfair treatment."

It applies equally in UK and over here I think - especially with so many having benefits disallowed in UK. We need to hang on to that sentiment when trying to help ourselves recover and getter better from effects of BI's - what ever caused them. Shirley x

in reply to SAMBS

Thanks Shirley! I've been meaning to contact you for so long coz saw you in France but I'm not coping at all and EXHAUSTED just trying do food, eat, shop, cook, wash me & clothes. Then trying all rest ON TOP: healthcare, benefits, housing, help with home/systems/forms/car = NONE. And totally fell to bits several times: whole days crying, into hospital psych,meds. NO help. In utter despair way too often. Sleep AWFUL and need tabs, anxiety, depression, DESPAIR. Hopeless. And delay delay, passing me on, no continuity or follow-up = NOTHING.

Electrics went BOOM today, don't understand how box/fuses etc. work. Water and sockets together and I got elect shock from 2ring plaques on sink next to tap. I forget fires, trip on wires, don't see, can't heat hose 10C, can't cook except micro coz too tired/scared house and weird noises roof scared it'll fall in and water leaks. HATE my 'home' = NOT a home. Trapped, feel terrible. Always exhausted. Nobody helping,none speak english (though my french not bad = nowhere near perfect and so many words don't know. And the FORMS (la paparasse!) = make me cry and feel sick but nonbody cares. Scared car and insurance and still registered UK where I used tolive: what if I had a crash?

Memory FAR worse and eyes hurt/worse, back,lumbar and c-spine HURT plus right shoulder/arm but all I get is 'anxiety & depresion' and tablets and dumped. But was told by psychiatrist that 2 nurses coming tomy home will discuss medication with me. SO scared coz in UK I trusted them then they later came and smashed my door in and kidnapped me to psych ward and SO awful thrre: noise, BAD bed and 'pillow' and drugs forced and food not what needed and when I needed, same here. AWFUL. TERRIFIED: these people coming into my home and they JUDGE me and have the right to snatch me like in UK and lock me up prisoner. TERRIFIED. But told must let them in coz they'll 'HELP'me. But NO trust now. Need someone here to protect me, on MY side against them coz whatever they say their rules are MAD and wrong and they guess risk and self-protect. All RUBBISH and very very scared. Can't reason with them coz they judge and jury of mad rules and they say 'no insight into I'm sick = proof I need snatching and forced medicating.

VERY frightened. That Catch 22: I can't win against them and the psych industry, my memory/speech varies and apparently my beliefs aren't allowed but NOT protected like (in my opinion) wacky religious ones. How I am and what I believe 'unacceptable' and not allowed. PLEASE HELP ME SOMEONE. But nobody does. My fears are 'mad' and that I stress about (in their view) weird stuff = not my fault.

VERY VERY SCARED. HATE letting these strangers into my home. And in UK did and the door being bashed in still replays and I get v scared when hear noises near gate/front door and go shaky. Nobody protecting me, WHY? In a BAD BAD place. Nobody listens to me or believes ME. Help me somebody. But been saying that for years and nobody does. VERY SCARED.

DannJen profile image

Hahaaa who knew you were all such a lovely bunch of people??

I'm alright, Jenn's dead. She just is. People die all the time, this time it was her.

For now I'll focus on the memories, and sort out this horrible funeral stuff. It's going to be excruciating, but that's the way it is. She wouldn't want me whining about it. We were powerful together, and I'll keep that around for her.

She'll never truly be gone with me around.

Molly15 profile image
Molly15 in reply to DannJen

That's the spirit, it will be hard, there is no doubt, but I promise you it will get easier.

Stay strong for her x

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to DannJen

don't think we've met dannjen but having just seen Molly's post - haven't met her either - read all the replies and glad you've seen the post and that you and/or jenn are back. I go awol sometimes, not delibertely but often its easier to say/do nothing than something when you can't get the help you know you need but the doc's ignore, so I just have conversations with myself in my brain. I wish doc's would go awol sometimes and just leave us to go to the specialist direct and demand to see them - you know have a sit-in or something - so I know what you mean about you/jen....Shirley x

cat3 profile image

I feel that way about loved ones who have died ; that we keep everything about them, except for their shell, alive and around us.

I used to think such ideas were nonsense 'til I felt it for myself, and now I understand ; I really get it.

Best wishes for the day of Jen's funeral.

Cat xx

barny1 profile image

No need to be concerned about Danjenn, if he is the person I'm thinking of, he's alive and well.

Molly15 profile image

Thank you barny1 . A number of other people have said all is well too. Thank goodness.

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