What does one find, in daily ventures, is the difference between the diminishmentt of physical balance, of 'equilibrium", of co-ordination? Am doing so much to rectfy these natural wonders and 'restore' myself. Progress is assured, and I am interested to find out how others have fared on this run of the gauntlet.
Clical balance, equilibrium - not metaphorical. - Headway
Clical balance, equilibrium - not metaphorical.
They seem to be interconnected. I find that on days when my gait is staggering and wandering, I am more confused and forgetful and my co-ordination is noticeably poorer.
I make myself walk every day but very rarely do I feel relaxed & comfortable with my performance. I still intend to persevere though. Previously, I was one of those people who could walk along the curb effortlessly........now I can manage about three steps ! ;-(
Well, my last comment disappeared into the ether, maybe that's an indication of its worth, just saying I too find a little practice every day helps and how funny I
found it when my GP told me to increase my
walking pace, "easy for
you to say " I said, must
get those walking poles. Really having trouble with this comment, it's not behaving at all, I take the hint xx