Has anyone with Graves and over active thyroid had trouble with re occurring UTIs as in the past three months I have had three! 🤦♀️🤷♀️ Please help advise someone.
Uti’s: Has anyone with Graves and over... - Graves Disease Su...
Hi Lisa, sorry to hear about your condition. Yes, I was on one week on UTI and one week off. I have Graves and had a total thyroidectomy 3 weeks ago. Ever since then I haven't had a UTI yet but must admit that I am on a 9 strain probiotic and cranberry juice daily. Perhaps you should try the latter and see how it goes ;). Good luck Lass.. hope it helps. Hugs from South Africa x
Thank you I have antibiotics again and have unfortunately developed another complication due to the antibiotics. Am so fed up 😪😪
Damn Hun :(.. I can so totally relate. I must admit.. I do think the antibiotics do sometimes add to the problem. They kill both the good and the bad enzymes and goodies in the body and gut. Try the following, it helped and still helps for me and I had 30 years of suffering:
Drink everyday:
* 1 or 2 really good probiotics even if you have the UTI or not..
* Alkaline base powder, everyday as well. It neutralizes the PH Balance of your whole body and bladder and female parts so no infections can thrive anywhere.
Let's just start with these 2 items first. They were actually my last options and ended up working so I don't want to give you other advice that I tried when these may just be the only 2 items that you need ;). Please give it a try and stay on it for at least a month before you make your judgement as I can pretty much guarantee you a 98% success rate but please do it daily and religiously and let's have faith that it will be your solution as well ;). Good Luck Girl and keep me posted. Add me on FB if you want.. here's my link to my profile:
Take care and speak to you soon. Best wishes.. Chantelle xx