My dietition will not give me blood r... - Gluten Free Guerr...

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My dietition will not give me blood results, will only inform me if she feels I should know. Will yours give you blood results.

27 Replies
27 Replies
NorthernSoul profile image

You have the legal right to request your blood results (although they may charge you 10p or something to print them out). I wouldn't stress out about seeing them, however... If there's something drastically abnormal, your dietician or your GP will do something about it. Googling blood test results will inevitably lead to hypochondria!

in reply to NorthernSoul

Thanks, Having a right and actually getting them are two different stories. Last year a slip up wasnt noticed. I managed to get one copy, a person pointed it out, this led to a big change for the better. Slip ups happen frequently...even including trained staff.

NorthernSoul profile image
NorthernSoul in reply to

What slip up was this, if you don't mind me asking? And what I'm saying is is that they legally have to give you the results so if you're desperate for them then remind him/her of this.

in reply to NorthernSoul

Low potasium was one 3, urge to take fluids ++ pu++ weak, muscle pains + Potassium more than likely lower. not informed. Cholestral taken recently when asked for results was told ok, requested copy of same, turned out no record of it at all. If hadnt asked for copy this would have gone unrecorded. Only by chance I asked for blood result(due to aquaintance) and had the electrolite one which helped to improve me healthwise when I was covering up the struggle thinking it was age

e] Not sure what it is now as dont think that is re electrolite done at usual tests. wasnt on the dietitions test results which I had after 5yrs asking.Doing pretty well at moment apart from burning of digestive track, not oesophagus but mouth and abdomen, thank goodness didnthappen when younger. Rabeprazole 20mg od helping a bit after I requested it, from what I can gather its a long term thing.Having problem with laptop, told Ive cancelled e mail so at a loss.

in reply to NorthernSoul

Just reread about you saying remind them...when imentioned it the gp just casually said you would have been feeling weak. That was it. Had med records, interesting. Supposed to have missed hosp appointment s(which never had) Not picked up presc., for abnormal urine tests (not told about results or prescrp.,)Am supposed to be worried i might have cancer due to mum dying of bowel cancer. (not so)You get cancer or you dont, like any other illness. 70% correct info.Can understand its difficult to get all correct, pleased to know what has been said, even if incorrect at times. Doing OK apart from burning aparently due to acid so say hosp app., 3 weeks ago advised increase in meds but gp not got info as yet. Copeing OK not as much discomfort since having rabeprazole 20mg. Ride push bike on flat area, gentle swim at health club, zumba class, going to join excercise also at local school, do 20 plus hour voluntary help. Not bad at mid 70s. That is why must keep healthy. All this due to persons advice 2010 Nov. also web later re pott and magn., etc. Purchased push bike Jan fell off 3 times but making progress as getting stronger. Waiting for copy of cholestrol, at least iknow i can have it now so all going well. Hows about that. What do you rekon about acid diagnosis. Have shrunk 2" over years, must be wareing out slowly but surely. Thanks for your info gave me more determination about records.Best wishes for your career but please dont THINK a person is worrying about something when they are not just ask for their thoughts, not add your thoughts.

in reply to NorthernSoul

At last getting info, Med records, interesting even if some details incorrect, but at least am aware now. Cholesterol 6.4. perhaps ought to get lower, not sure as some gps dont mind. Liver test urea high...otherwise seems ok. No idea but reassured I know what s happening now. To visit cardio next week, will request to be dischage from hosp clinic or see in year. Am doing pretty well for my age . Zumba classes making me stronger, make a change from watching tv. even joined Zumba excercise class two weeks ago.

in reply to NorthernSoul

Hi, was suggested I went Lactose free and on Soya and to stop Rabeprazole, not by medical team. This has made a big change, pity wasnt advised earlier. Seeing gp 11th July (last time in January) see what he thinks. Never expected dairy could cause so much irritation and pain. Really maybe should have thought about giving it a try myself...but foolishly Lactose was just a word that was in milk but I never gave it a thought about causing problems. Live and learn. Early days but seems to be the answer.

MaryDB profile image

I do agree about Googling blood test results. My dietitician gave me my results - all coeliac related were very good - but four others were "abnormal". Having Googled them I was at death's door. Rang the Doctor who said he wished these people who aren't Doctors wouldn't give out results and they were not far enough out of normal to worry about. (of course I still do on occasions!)

in reply to MaryDB

. Depend if they were effecting you. The pottasium was in my case. If you look up low pottasium results you will realise what I was putting up with. Up till the advise I hadnt a clue as to why I was struggling...the gps turned a deaf ear

judithr profile image

I have never asked my doctor for the actual results as would not understand them any way. I trust him implicitly & he lets me know if there is a problem in any way with my health. I don't have a dietician as my doctor said that the only one he would recommend locally had gone private & he felt that I was capable of managing my own diet.

Try not to worry, follow your diet totally & don't stress. Stress is a killer!

in reply to judithr

Never been stressed ,dont believe in it. Get out of situation if you fee its stressing you.

beckyf profile image

I always get a printout of results & take them to my favourite pharmacist. I find that the doctors don't usually have enough time to spend with me to explain the results properly - and where specialists are involved there is often quite a wait between getting the results and my next appointment. I guess if you had a doctor who you really trusted, & who did spend the time, it would be different.

Pharmacist has a lot of knowledge about these sorts of things, is willing to spend the time, and if he doesn't know the answer, he says so!!

in reply to beckyf

Now have cholesteral results 6.4 Also have liver test results, says about normal for my age, whatever that means. In time will try and get someone to have a look at them as urea bit high. Might ask pharmasist to explain but might not. Its re assuring to get some info, suppose ought to get cholesterol lower as this seems to be advisable nowadays.

As I have over the years been in the medical area I am interested in results. Also have witness mistakes in med records and blood tests carelesly read., also cover ups. One doesnt have to be a hypochondriac, worrier or suffer from anxiety to be interested in results. Good for you becky being able to get your results, thats how easy it should be for all. Some in the medical area think you must do as they say and not think for yourself. Mainly the ones that mention ,worry, stress, anxiety, depression, drastically abnormal. They dont think its natural to be interested,AFTER ALL IT IS 2012. Thanks for your reply.

I always ask for and get copies of my blood results. My wife being a Registered Nurse interprets them for me. It was hard for me at first to ask but now I do it all the time.

Hi Roscoe, I ask and dont get, just told we dont do that, or will let you know if ther is anything I feel you should know. Even PALS manchester said ask doctor. I do but told we dont send to gp , or why do you ask. etc. or the results havent been sent. This happens to others, some get some dont. why it should cause concern to the providers of the information is a mystery. retired med secretary advise I request med records from surgery by letter, said they did it frequently. where she was employed. Thanks for reply. Nice to know others take interest in care of health.

AnneM profile image

My children's consultant won't give out the results for coeliac disease, and his seccretary can be quite abrupt if I ask for them. As a parent I would like to be sure i am doing things right! My GP will tell me if I ask, but a simple phone call from the consultant's secretary to reassure me would be nice!

in reply to AnneM

had loads problems with 2nd child. Locum gp put me on right track, others not helpfull. He badly reacted to oats and was in a bad way in hosp. ( asked what had I given him) said breakfastand that he was happy before going limp. Hospital changed his milk. No one thought of coeliac then. Still ill as given gluten containing foods. He was never checked for gluten in 1977 onwards. As parents and advised by locum gp we excluded oats barley bread (we made gf bread) he gained weight, other food home made dinners, fruit, veg. As a grown up is ok as very little gluten food eaten, May have coeliac tendency, not sure. Myself diagnosed 5yrs ago, its easy as on my own so no problems re food in house. wasnt a bread fan , so coeliac bread is ok. It can be difficult trying to keep children gf as they want same as others. Just do your best and try and treat it as normal. It would help if some family near by could meet up with you, perhaps nearby school has coeliac children. My grandchildren have coeliac food dinners made at their school. Mine was turned 3 before locum gp advice.

in reply to AnneM

Hi, How are you getting on with children. It wasnt too bad for me as didnt spoil them with fancy foods. There is more about now, so will be harder for you, plus t.v. adds. Was told to keep mine off lactose then said I wasnt giving nourishing food.(we were at a loss) The locum gp gave the best advice, to stop food that reactions were noted. Mainly oats, barley worst. changed gp (husband insisted) Was prescribed gf flour and soya milk, so homemade bread etc., We just got on with it then. It kept him out of hospitals which was great. Have faith in yourself all will fall into place given time.

in reply to AnneM

Hi AnneM, Not sure if I misread . Were you awaiting to hear if chid had coeliac. If so hope results ok. also if help given.

Why not just ask gp for copies as he will give info. Then if need perhaps chemist can advise (any) easy.

AnneM, dont think consultant or secretary will advise after appointment and letter sent to gp.So apart from next appointment just get info from your willing gp. Hope all goes well with children. Bye

meanioni profile image

Your right to information is enshrined in several acts of law including the Access to Medical Reports Act, Human Rights Act and ultimately if all things fail Freedom of Information Act.

If a body refuses to release information you should address a letter to their Freedom of Information Officer requesting personal information under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act. This should yield the desired result.

in reply to meanioni

Dietition sent blood results at last, its taken 5 years to get. Gastro increased tabs I had to request to go on, but not get appointment for 7mths, 1st bit of advice in 15mths (suppose its a case of just get on wih it) The other hospital had to be reminded about sending letters..but did come. So put in picture now which is helpfull. Had cholestral test at gp to get results next week. over 8-10yrs since last known. One surgery used to record it on your appointment card. Pity I had to push for info, didnt like doing it but thought it was about time to know more. Thanks meanioni.

in reply to meanioni

Went to local hospital info centre and they printed off info on IBS which found very helpfull, gp etc never explained or told me IBS just gave meds that mostly didnt help, protem plus , I requested did thankfully. My laptop out of order this is grandsons so not sure if mine can be sorted. Bye.

Surgery rang and explained it would take a few weeks, so request is going ahead. A biopsy was overlooked for almost a year (coeliac) I paid £50 for that info plus some info on ward. Also included 2 different male info (careless) tests. Took months to get, as it was ask gp, then ask had to pay eventually. Still get problems, that is reason for taking advice from aquaintance. Even PALS said ask, I did repeatedly. Like I said I am not the only one that has difficulty in getting info. Supposed to be being cared for by gastro dpt, after 8 mths phoned late Friday afternoon for appointment Monday pm ( couldnt go as bank appointment plus other arrangment ) no further news in over a week. Gp said gastro is caring for me, and he didnt want to upset their care...what care. Managing but have had a hell of a time, cancelled two cruises (lost money) too uncomfortable to spend christmas with son, he was dissapointed as I spend christmas usually with them.

Hi, In May phoned Coeliac uk, told them about abdominal pains etc., Was advise to try soya milk, and lactose free. It was good advice as soon the abdominal pains eased at last. The coeliac clinic dietition was no help at all..all she was interested in is if I continued gluten free, so no point in seeing her once a year. All that pain day and night caused by lactose, all going well at moment so very lucky.Thanks for advice given.

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