Does anyone know if Flora Pro Activ Light is gluten free?
Flora Pro Activ Light: Does anyone know... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Flora Pro Activ Light
Seems to be some debate about it.
Why not just use butter? No possible gluten contamination in the process of making butter, I hope.
The wording on that Flora Light GF explanation is dreadful. It just sums up why we need better labelling. Just lots of info that means absolutely nothing for someone with coeliac. The old 'no gluten containing ingredients'; 'necessary controls are in place to minimise cross contamination risks'; 'products are not guaranteed to meet the new standard '. All the greatest hits going on there. Just say 'if you have coeliac, avoid this product'!!
Personally I would stick to proper butter, no gluten, and it would now seem much better in moderation for you than chemical/additive rich margarines. Forget the 'cholesterol reducing' factor, I truly believe it is just a big hype. I have eaten butter for years now and my cholesterol is fine despite being very overweight!