Changes ahead: Hi everyone! I'm a... - Gluten Free Guerr...

Gluten Free Guerrillas

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Changes ahead

stacylo1864 profile image
6 Replies

Hi everyone! I'm a married mother of six and grandma to two. I also am a fibromyalgia sufferer.

After my 20 yr old son took his life, in July of 2010, my life changed forever! I took to my bed for over two years and complicated my fibromyalgia to a degree I had never experienced before. I could barely walk, shower or dress. I quit functioning for my family and for life. I was hoping to die just to escape my physical and emotional pain. Slowly,I kept fighting, somehow. It's been six long years and I'm still fighting. However, I'm not even close to where I want to be. I am! It's time to seriously fight!! I need to change the way I eat and discover what my body is really trying to tell me. Obviously, my body is in distress and I'm the only one that can rescue it. I want to throw away the medication and live the way I was meant to. Hopefully, with this communities help, we can accomplish just that. I'm excited!

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stacylo1864 profile image
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6 Replies
margaret3 profile image

Hi I'm with you. You can do it!!! I'm on gluten free diet I have fibromyalgia as well and I have connective tissue disorder. My doctor said to me Margaret you need to push through the pain. And he is right people with fibromyalgia need to exercise slowly to do more and more it is painful but after I'm felling good. It is hard especially if you need to deal with other things but we can do it😀😀😀 Keep positive. Wish you all the best:)

pvanderaa profile image

So sorry to hear about the loss of your son. Your depression and stress are hard to read about but your experience would be unbearable. I salute your desire to get better. You have taken a turn for the good.

Had your son been diagnosed with depression or schizophrenia?

Besides gluten, have you had your vitamin B12 levels tested? Stress consumes it and when it is low, depression is one of the symptoms.

Fibromyalgia is also sometimes connected to vitamin issues.

Kate37 profile image

I'm so sorry you've been through such an awful time. The distress and grieving must have had a huge impact on your body. I believe diet and lifestyle play a huge role in conditions like these. Going gluten free and eating a low sugar diet of predominantly meat, fish and vegetables can really help. Take time to be kind to yourself and do things that you think can help you to feel emotionally better.

Zoe26w profile image

I admire you willpower!! Loss of loved ones isn't just an emotional upheaval, until you're dealing with it, you don't realise how it impacts on every aspect of your life. My daughter (17) is coeliac and has fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and has good and bad days. She passed her driving test Friday so I'm hoping this is where she can start to rebuild her life. She pretty much gave up on everything when she first became sick two years ago. She was confined to a wheelchair and its hit her hard, she used to be a dance student and suddenly was unable to walk more than a few meters. It really was sudden. I'm trying to get her to go dairy free as I believe the hormones in dairy play havoc with our bodies. I've gone gluten and dairy free myself to try and help her get her life back. The fact you're trying to listen to what your body is telling you is fantastic!! This will be the start of a whole new healthier you I hope. Maybe look at Callanetics, they're tiny movement exercises but are amazing for toning and strength. You could build up slowly until you're feeling stronger, go at your own pace, I wish you all the very best in your new you journey. (I'm a mother of 5 and have suffered significant bereavement too so I know how difficult it is to keep functioning for your family) keep sharing and asking and grabbing support. Never feel alone. Reaching out was the first step, well done xx

Jacks profile image

I'm so very sorry about the loss of your son. I think your pain probably wasn't helped as our society isn't helpful to people bereaved by suicide, they don't know how to react appropriately. I have lost friends this way, men who have been unable to return to society fully after being in the military. Taking to your bed was your way of coping, with your pain, but it will have atrophied your muscles so don't push yourself at anything too strenuous too soon. Eat good food and some protein at every meal to give your muscles a chance and drink lots of fluids.

Have you also considered contacting a support group like Take care.

judburke profile image

Well done you for finding some strength to take control of your own health. Its a shame that we have to do that but thank goodness for these forums you will get a lot of support. Sometimes its baby steps we all need but with help we/you can get there. I have found that a lot of my problems have been caused by low vitamins and minerals. The Lab tests will say all is normal when they are only just in range. Most people feel better when certain levels are higher. If you join the Thyroid community on here there are some great members that can help you understand the blood tests and offer advice on what supplements are good. This forum has transformed my health over the last couple of years

Stay strong and I wish you improved health

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