and is it possible that these intolerances have caused psoriasis over the years?
Can I be intolerant to G/F grains/bre... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Can I be intolerant to G/F grains/breads etc. They cause stomach upsets.

It is entirely possible to be intolerant to other grains.
You might find Against All Grains interesting reading
It is also possible to be intolerant to the natural chemicals in food, things like salicylates, amines, glutamates, antioxidants, preservatives, colorings and flavorings.
Hi Beaton
Tassie is absolutely correct. For example, It has been quite surprising to me to see how many have an increased immune reaction to tapioca-a primary ingredient in most GF products. ThT is just 1 example. Read up on FODMAPS. TRY IT FOR 1 month-it's a nuisance to do at first but might make a dramatic difference. Best Wishes
Hi DrTom,Thank you,I knew I had a wheat bread problem for years but now it seems to be everything. I never thought of tapioca. I shall look into FODMAPS.xx
Beaton, i would recommend looking at this site (UK) regarding FODMAPS
It is a complex dietary approach and really does require the oversight of a specially trained dietician to get the best out of it and ensure that your diet is nutritionally balanced during the initial phase - the elimination period needs to be rather more than a month (up to 12 weeks is the norm) before food groups are reintroduced. It's about identifying problematic foods and establishing individual tolerance levels so that you are not cutting things out of your diet that you don't need to. Have a look and then ask your doctor about it - there are dieticians trained to deliver the diet working in the NHS (i presume you are UK based?), but as far as i know Kings is the only unit which is training and accrediting dieticians to deliver the FODMAP diet nationally, so you might want to bear this in mind.
I can't eat gf bread, because of the additives and yeast. If gf grains are a problem, have you tried any gf seeds? I have found that I can eat quinoa, and bake with buckwheat and chickpea flours.
One of the members of GFG had a great page giving details of the differences between, and uses of, gf grains and seeds. I am trying hard to
remember the name!
This is one interesting site talking about psoriasis, but I have no idea how good the advice may be.
Found the site. Perhaps it might be of some interest. Liana gives a very useful account of different flours.