Has anyone ever been glutened by cock... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Has anyone ever been glutened by cocktails? I have a feeling I may have had a mild glutening after having 3 cocktails. Thanks
If I had a cocktail with a whiskey spirit in, then I would be ill. They say it's fine but I reckon it's a bit like the barley malt and codex wheat situation....some of us can and some can't.
As jillp says its all down to your sentitivity level, if you had the glace cherries they are normally kept in glucose syrup.
Ah, cocktails. It's always the 6th one that gets me
Joking apart, why don't you test yourself on the neat spirits (if you haven't already) so you know you'll be OK on (e.g.) vodka but not Scotch.
It might be between individual brands, too, depending on all sorts of factors like how they source and treat their barrels. I know I can drink certain brands of port but not others.
I don't get on with alcoholic drinks.. my tolerance has come right down in the last few years since I became sensitive to gluten. I can't even have one drink without adverse effects... but am pretty sure that's the alchol's fault, not the gluten. Your tolerance to alcohol may vary.
Hi. Thanks everyone for answers.
I find it interesting that Coeliac UK is pretty relaxed about distilled alcoholic drinks even when from wheat:
Cider, wine, sherry, spirits, port and liqueurs are all suitable for people with coeliac disease.
Even when a cereal that contains gluten is used as an ingredient, all spirits are distilled during the manufacturing process and this removes any trace of gluten. Therefore, all spirit drinks (including malt whisky which is made from barley) are suitable for people with coeliac disease.
Meanwhile, in the US:
Alcoholic beverages that are made from gluten-containing materials — such as beer made from barley — cannot be labeled gluten-free even if they were processed to remove most or all of the gluten, according to agency responsible for regulating such beverages in the U.S.
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau ruling, issued in May 2012, was responding to gluten-free label claims from beer manufacturers who use a proprietary process to "de-gluten" the product.
The vodka's manufacturer, Distilled Resources Inc., says it won permission for the gluten-free label designation from the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau once the agency verified that the distillery had methods in place to test the vodka for gluten cross-contamination ... an approval process that took three years. Distilled Resources also makes wheat-based vodka.
What Cocktails did you have? I always avoid any with cherries, honey, marshmellows etc. And ask the barman to confirm they are GF. Beware that some mixers (coke/ lemonade) can be used in the same pipes that they may use beer in or they may use cheap versions that contain gluten. I always ask for bottled mixers which are less likely to be contaminated i.e. remember that some men like larger tops so the lemonade nozzle may be dipped in beer and then used for a cocktail.
The debate about whisky and vodka being GF always rages large. I find vodka fine and always like Smirnoff or Absolut. As Dartmoor says it can also be the number of cocktails you have that causes a problem ; )