hi I’ve had various drops over my 7 years of being diagnosed with glaucoma my consultant has just added diozolomide drops into my Monopost Timilol mix what’s your experience of these drops as I’ve not been able to get a single drop out the bottle either nothing or too much also what side effects if any thank you
Dorzolamide/Timolol: hi I’ve had various drops... - Glaucoma UK

Hi there. If you are struggling to get your eye drops out then please give us a call on 01233 648170. We can send you the correct dispensing aid for your drops to ensure that you are only getting one drop in your eye.
I've had timolol/dorzolamide in addition to latanoprost drops for the last couple of years
i keep all my drops in the fridge, which makes the timolol/dorzolamide quite gloopy - but i haven't had any problems getting drops out of the bottle
the timolol/dorzolamide drops are much less "burny" than latanoprost after application, but they also have a significant lowering effect on my heart-rate during exercise - zone tracking by heart rate no longer works after I've taken them, so i often exercise before my morning drops so i can monitor the exercise intensity by heart rate
The timolol element didn’t work for me. I wasn’t told at the time this was a beta blocker and it took months of feeling like I was dragging around a ball and chain before I realised and had to come off them to dorzolamide preservative free three times a day and latanaprost at night. I find that the ones that really burn is the dorzolamide (Trusopt) but if I’m quick with them first thing in the morning they don’t sting quite as much. The latanaprost don’t burn at all. Everyone seems to respond differently in this respect. I was diagnosed three years ago and recently had SLT for POAG and hope my pressures will go down. I’ll find out at my next appointment in 3 months although thinking I’ll pop in to Specsacers for a review in a few weeks and find out if there’s a difference.
I have open angle glaucoma and have been using Dorzolamide twice daily since July 2023, I also use Latanoprost at night. The Dorzolamide drops did sting at first but I don’t notice that now.
I find the Dorzolamide drops inconsistent, either a precise drop or too much.
The bottle does not last more than 24/25 days so have to ensure that I order the next prescription in plenty of time as there have been a couple of occasions where it has not been in stock. Each time there is a different brand depending I expect, on availability. I am currently using Dorzolamide manufactured by Aspire, the next bottle is Visidor preservative free.
Thanks Tiketybo maybe you can use the phone number for Glaucoma uk & order the item to help you get the dosing of the drops easier too Good luck ☺️
I use these drops but the individual preservative free version, as the preservative irritates my eyes, so do not have a bottle. I do however sometimes find it hard to even get the drops out of these individual dispensers, as they are very hard to squeeze. It's strange as sometimes it is really hard to squeeze them while at other times they drop out without any problem at all. The drops, together with Lumigan, do an excellent job at keeping my eye pressures low.
I used to be on those drops. They did lower my eye pressures, however I had a severe delayed reaction to Dorzolomide. Blisters and red rash all around my eyes, so sore. It was during the pandemic so I had to continue with them to control my pressures.
My first bottle of dorzoamide preservative-free (EyeDelto) was awful. I couldn't squeeze the bottle hard enough so my husband had to put the drops in. Even then, the first drop was usually all froth so he used to discard it. The bottle lasted about 24 days I think. This bottle was from the hospital dispensary . Subsequently the chemist has always supplied individual vials which are fine, although some brands have larger drops than others. I am nervous each month that I will be put back on the bottle - I expect it is cheaper. I have already been taken off HyloForte because of cost.
Trusopt comes in a 60-dose pack and the repeat prescription sheet always says it should last 2 months. So far I have managed to get it repeated each month (used twice daily) - I don't know if I am correct in only using it once or whether I really should keep it to reuse in the evening.
Hello anonimouse5,
Once a unit dose is opened and used it should be disposed of. It shouldn't be kept for the evening dosage. This is why is comes in a 60 dose pack. This should only be a months supply. One unit dose for each eye. Because unit dose vials do not have a resealable cap, there is the chance of bacteria, which is why it is normally recommended one unit dose per eye.
Interesting. my consultant said that I could use an individual file containing a unit dose for both eyes there is plenty in there for both
my dorzolamide stings quite a lot so am going to ask for a change. I’ve preservative free version as other was causing crusting up and soreness eg stie.
Hi, I use Brinzolamide an equivalent to yours. The liquid is white and thicker than my Duotrav which I also use daily. I find my B Drops harder to get out of the bottle. Best you speak to the Pharmacist first. Your drops could be a cheaper version in which case you then contact the surgery to try and alternative. Best of luck.