Hi, does anyone take Citicoline supplements? I have read online a fair bit that it can help with Glaucoma and wanted to know if anyone else was taking it.
Cross-posting this thread from Reddit: reddit.com/r/Glaucoma/comme...
Hi, does anyone take Citicoline supplements? I have read online a fair bit that it can help with Glaucoma and wanted to know if anyone else was taking it.
Cross-posting this thread from Reddit: reddit.com/r/Glaucoma/comme...
Hi Jon
I had a inquiry from someone last year on the Helpline about this supplement. I did ask an eye specialist for their view on Citicoline. Medical specialists work and advise very much on clear and concise data about these things. Unfortunately, there isn't any strong literature supporting significant improvements in people with glaucoma at present.
Hopefully, someone who has tried it will be able to enlighten you to any effect it had on them. I would also suggest asking your eye specialist on their views.
Thanks Helen, I've read it has protective properties which may help protect Glaucoma eyes, and slow the damage, but would be keen to hear if anyone else has tried it or looked into it. I have a check up with my consultant in a couple of weeks so will ask him as well.
I'm awash with supplements..B3 and lutine ..I'm desperate
Know what you mean. I too read a lot and am prepared to try anything to save my sight. I currently take lutein and B3 but don’t know whether it does any good. I have heard about citicoline and will ask my consultant about it on my next visit. But I suspect I will get the usual answer - ‘no evidence’ etc. So we could be wasting our money with all these supplements - but anything is worth a try. Keep in touch!
Just thought I would report back that I had a clinic appointment yesterday and enquired about Vitamin B3 and other supplements. The consultant didn’t want to commit himself, just said that research is going on all the time. He said what they usually recommend is an organic diet with plenty of colourful veg, especially leafy green ones such as kale and spinach. I have always tried to stick to a healthy diet but it hasn’t done much for my glaucoma!!