Are you FND aware? Do you wish others... - Functional Neurol...
Are you FND aware? Do you wish others were? How are you most likely to engage in advocacy for FND:

I would do anything if it gets us more help or have our condition truly recognised.
I suspect fundraising, in the traditional sense of planned public appearances, is not an option for many because of mobility issues associated with this condition. At least it is an issue in my case. I am all about letting people know that FND is real!
I want to write Congress and bring awareness plus maybe a fund raiser at our church and school. It really needs to be made awareness of, shoot send me brochures and I will stick them in my neighbours doors and mailboxes.I wonder if I can get in touch with them to send me a box of brochers?
Participate which seems scairy
But everyone hopes for instant cute but that's not always possible I know
Like others to be more aware of this condition exists and more awareness
About the disorder
My Dr really nice but genuine not heard if the FND disorder
And he not ignorant he very genuine person.
So what could be help full us more awareness
For GPS so can help fnd suffers XX
Thank you xxx
If anyone hears of a study please help me with info to see if I would be suitable my name is Judith aqvatar is aumond