Are you FND aware? Do you wish others... - Functional Neurol...
Are you FND aware? Do you wish others were? How are you most likely to engage in advocacy for FND:

Please select all that apply:
I am currently doing a PHd focusing on Experiences of care and FND
Hi Sarah, I've been an Fnd sufferer for over 4 1/2 years after falling ill suddenly after my 40th birthday. At the time I was enjoying living a very healthy, full, lively & physical life. If I can be of any assistance with your research I would love to help & perhaps assist you improve people's understanding of this disabling condition. Nicola
Hi Nicola,
Thank you for your kind offer. I am in the very early stages just completing the literature review. I am a nurse and initially studied this at masters level 10 years ago so am just gathering all the new information and can see there has been some development in some areas. I will be coming from a nursing/caring perspective so am looking forward to getting ethical approval and start recruiting. Once I am at that stage is it OK to get in contact with you. I am really excited about this. Sarah

Hi I am Head Admin for the groups Functional Neurological/Conversion Disorder & FND Hope-UK , I am also a sufferer of FND but only diagnosed recently . I am keen to do whatever I can do to help , research and get more understanding and awareness out there and hopefully more Medically profession understanding it and helping us instead of sweeping us under the carpet expecting we will go away, WE WONT... Love & Light x x x
Hi! I started to become interested in this more than 10 years ago. I am ashamed to say that this was because I had a lack of understanding about CD/FND and did not know how to approach patients with this condition. Having studied and read my knowledge and attitude has completely changed and improved. I now work in nurse education but my interests still very much with FND. Looking forward to making some links and working with you!