Which do you feel is the most importa... - Functional Neurol...

Functional Neurological Disorder - FND Hope

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Which do you feel is the most important area to focus?

FND_ profile imageFND_AdministratorVolunteerFND Hope100 Voters

Please select one:

10 Replies
Alyssa profile image

All areas listed of vital importance but if your GP has no knowledge or understanding then ability to access the correct treatment programme is lost.

Alyssa profile image

All research and treatment programmes are void if at primary care level your medical professional has little or no knowledge of FND leading to lack of support and the correct treatment.

EnglishIslander profile image
EnglishIslanderFND HopeVolunteer

My feeling is that the primary area needed is research into the causes and "tests" that can show what is going on. Once the causes and methods by which we are affected are understood everything else will follow on naturally. Until then the medical profession will continue to argue amongst themselves, with many treating us with suspicion and often downright rudeness.

Amber57 profile image

I am currently conducting research into causes and treatments and simply how people experience FND. My research is being conducted in Australia but I am happy to talk to anyone from anywhere online. If you would like to be a part of this research please message me.

mvrsports profile image
mvrsports in reply to Amber57

i'll help if I can amber

leesa88 profile image
leesa88 in reply to Amber57

Hi Amber I'm newly diagnosed with FND and will help if I can

3103Cookie profile image
3103Cookie in reply to Amber57

Hi Amber, I was diagnosed with Fnd over 3 years ago & since then I have experienced a vast range of symptoms. I'm in the UK but if I can be part of any research into Fnd then I would love to help!

Tewa profile image
Tewa in reply to Amber57

I would like to participate in this research group.

Seaotter2020 profile image
Seaotter2020VolunteerFND Hope in reply to Amber57

Amber - can you contact me. I would like to get your perspective and understand more directly from you what you are researching.

giltnane profile image

if we can more knowledge out into the public this may help patient and family along with carers . social media can bring this condition more publically know which will make more professionals want and understand how fnd is so debilitating and so little knowledge and facilities available for the so important rehabilitation