Has blood or oxygen to your brain bee... - Functional Neurol...
Has blood or oxygen to your brain been compromised at any time?

I often feel light headed, near fainting, blurred vision that comes and goes.
I get raynauds, livedo reticularis, or other vascular type symptoms (tingling, discolored,cold)
Symptoms come on during sleep or upon waking
I often feel like my body needs oxygen
I have collapsing or fainting episodes
I have now or in the past had asthma problems
My blood pressure is below average (110/70)
Symptoms came on after a surgery where anesthesia was used.
5 Replies
my o2 sats drop alot.im on o2 all the time and they still drop.i moniter using a pulse oximeter
no,not for sure.probably several reasons .muscle fatige,poss.post polio.allergy to heat.i manage with a vent,o2,epipen.do you

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my o2 is always high even when my fingers are turning blue and I can't breath. I think mine has to do with perfusion, but not certain.
I have had my hands turn dusky blue a few times. No breathing problems just in a fog