When you were told you had cancer, we... - Fight Bladder Cancer

Fight Bladder Cancer

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When you were told you had cancer, were you given written information about the type of cancer you had?

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11 Replies
charles99 profile image

Easy to understand but the journey I have since been on has been vastly more complex than that information leaflet or the medical briefings could possibly have covered.

grandad profile image

it was only when I was told that I couldn't leave hospital until I had Chemo, that I realized I was being treated for cancer, then spent time with a Macmillan nurse ( who was brilliant ) who told me the full story of what was going on. Up to that time I didn't have a clue, stupid on my part may be, but no one had mention the C word. I was still one of the lucky ones and my next check up is due next month, have been clear for nearly two years, was told I have 50% chance of it coming back.Hopefully my change of life style will help.

cuttle19 profile image
cuttle19 in reply to grandad

Yes when I was diagnosed in 2011 it was completely out of the blue, two weeks after diagnosis I was in hospital having an operation and having never been ill in my life or been in hospital it was all a huge shock. Nobody mentioned the word cancer and it was only when they gave me the booklet that I realised I had it! I only really spoke to the Macmillan Nurse a few times but she was great. I have been clear now for four years so just enjoy life day to day :)

grandad profile image

I also found that no one wanted to talk about it when I got out of hospital, it was as if the mention of the word would infect everyone who knew me. I did need to talk about because I wanted people to tell me not to worry, it would be alright, I didn't want to be center stage I just needed reassurance.

Thank God for Macmillan Nurses.

cuttle19 profile image
cuttle19 in reply to grandad

Yes it is a bit strange, some of my friends were great and had no problem if you wanted to talk about it, which I didn't really want to much, but some of them almost crossed the street when they saw me coming haha. I didn't mind as I suppose people feel a bit awkward and don't know what to say. They always look more relieved than I do when I tell them I am ok still. As you say, thank God for the Macmillan nurses. One bloke I had known for years though, but just to have the odd chat in the pub with, was great. Just out of the blue he rang me and said he had been treated for the same cancer and would I like a pint and a chat about what the treatment was like and I duly did and that was a huge help.

Grgfarming profile image

It was a big surprise for me when I was told I had cancer. We'd just come back from holiday and there was a letter to go to the hospital. I'd had been having a few tests but cancer had been ruled out earlier in the year. I was told I'd need to be operated on within weeks, the cancer was spotted almost by accident as someone was looking at my scans for another reason and spotted the growing tumour. Fortunately allthough I am not particularly well I haven't had to have chemotherapy as yet.

grandad profile image

If its in your bladder chemo is not the monster that it is for some people, you get to keep your hair.(ha ha)

Blasterbob profile image

I just got home from the Danville, IL VA hospital where I had a bladder biopsy. Now will wait a "few days" to hear the outcome of the test. If there is carcinoma, apparently I will be a candidate for some bladder washings and I have NO idea what they entail. I have gone through regular chemo, radiation and surgery for a different cancer quite a few years ago. Please keep me in mind and your prayers IF you believe in them like I do.


grandad profile image

I think when your dealing with this stuff you need all the help you can get, so yes I'll remember you in my prayers Blasterbob.

Good luck with your fight.

Ladbrokes66 profile image

the biggest worry was being told the special stuff you need to wash the bladder out with, was outa stock, and it was not known when more would be made, and they were very hazy about the effective ness of alternatives.

grandad profile image

Just been for a check up this morning and I'm clear at the moment moved on to nine month check ups OH the joy of it , the cancer hasn't come back now being told good chance it won't. Over the moon, good luck to everyone to fighting.