Can people please explain to me all the acronyms used on this page.?
WTF is everyone talking about? đ
Can people please explain to me all the acronyms used on this page.?
WTF is everyone talking about? đ
Hahaha I know, but you soon get used to it. If you look at the pinned posts there's one about the abbreviations/acronyms xxx
Tww is the 2 week wait
Otd is the day you do a pregnancy test
Dtd is do the deed!
Just to mention a few that are commonly used:
BFP - âBig Fat Positiveâ (test result)
BFN - âBig Fat negativeâ (test result)
DPO - âdays post ovulationâ
DPT - âdays post transferâ
FET - âFrozen egg transferâ
OTD - âofficial test dateâ
TWW - â Two week waitâ
FRER - âFirst Response Early Resultâ (pregnancy test)
HPT - âHome pregnancy testâ
OPK - âOvulation predictor kitâ
HCG - âhuman chorionic gonadotropinâ (hormone detected when pregnant)
IVF - âIn Vitro Fertilisationâ (a form of assisted conception)
ICSI - âintracytoplasmic sperm injectionâ (a form of assisted conception)