When I was diagnosed with this diseas... - Living with Fatty...
When I was diagnosed with this disease I got the best support and information from

This survey will be used to help educate interested parties understand the problems faced by liver disease patients. Your responses will be anonymous but it would be a big help if you would take the poll.
Done ! very good idea .
Have to say my Dr pointed me in the right directions, diet, exercise and the liver foundation. But I've learned more here at health unlocked.
The poll is missing a very important answer: "Google/Search Engines". They're not the same as social media.
The goal of the poll was asking about people who helped not where an individual could find information themselves so it didn't include search engines. May have been poorly worded.
I understand that, but if "I got the best support and information from" is the question, then "Google/Search Engines" should be an answer. Can you edit the poll to update the question, or add the response? I imagine most people get their information predominantly from Google, at least after their initial diagnosis. Unfortunately, even almost two years into living with this disease, Google is still the only place I can find information without a lot of hassle and waiting.
I understand your perspective, and I might have phrased it differently but we know anyone answering this on the internet gets information there. We want to document the person to person connections and I can't actually change it once I publish the poll. The statistics guys would be mad. Perhaps in a future poll we can examine where in the internet people find their information.
Thanks for all your input here....I just joined - I need help navigating my diet at this point. Do you know of any recipe books out there for this??
Diets are so individual so we can't know what anyone needs. Here is a link to the general theory
i didn't receive any support. I am now getting regular liver scans but I had to ask for them
Medical staff dismissive. Doctor did not discuss. Over a year later got referred to Lipodystrophy.
My internist is great. She is very supportive, though her advice to avoid protein and eat only steamed, non starchy veggies, stay hydrated, and avoid OTC medications until I had a firm diagnosis from a specialist was about all in term of advice. However, she is respectful and not at all dismissive. Most of the information I uncovered regarding proper nutrition and exercise for NASH J glesned using Google and reading articles at the NIH site.
Okay, I am very new to this site and feeling a bit overwhelmed and out of the loop. Is this site HealthUnlocked? What type of testing and how frequent should I have it done? I don't know if I had bloodwork that helped diagnose my NAFLD. I have not had a scan done. Just the ultra sound. I was told it showed no scarring or cirrhosis. Can anyone help me with a diet that works to keep my NAFLD and help me to lose weight? Which herb. Which supplements? (TAKING A BIG GASP OF AIR!) Thank you!
I was sent to the IU Medical Center for further testing, than I was sent to the bariactrics center to determine what action I wanted to pursue in trying to correct my fatty liver, I told them I wouldn't do the surgery, so I was told if I followed a LC & HP diet thru this dept of the IU North in Carmel IN. and loose 125lbs in a year and keep it off, I would reverse my diabetes and fatty liver, fibrosis and some cirrohosis, so far I started this March 12th, and I have lost all my insulin which was 5 shots 225 units and the Tradjenta pill 1 daily.Plus I have lost 63 lbs. and my A1c is at 6.0 so far... so I am very pleased with support and help I have received plus I learned alot of knowledge from Health Unlocked.....
I was 18 years old and was told by a the lady who did my ultrasound scan. She said you have fatty liver and polycystic ovaries. I knew what the polycystic ovaries was as I was having the scan to diagnose that. I did have an ultrasound at 14 but it was clear. So I asked her what the fatty liver was. Her response was your liver has some fat in it and it is an indication that you will get diabetes when your older. Not one person mentioned it to me until I got pain there when I was 29 and i was seeing a gastroenterologist for colitis and was shocked I didnt know what is was or had any follow up. Had regular bloods, ultrasound and fibro scans since. Gastroenterologist only told me that I should hardly drink alcohol and change to a healthy diet and lose weight. I only saw him 3 times and had one 5 minute conversation about it. I have seen other gastroenterologists since and doctors hardly answer my questions and offer any sort of advice other than the words lose weight. I hope to see a metabolic specialist soon