APP to help tell your kids about FASD - on sa... - FASD Support

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APP to help tell your kids about FASD - on sale NOW

Joygirl profile image
5 Replies

Research show that those with FASD who does best as adults are those who know and own their own disability. This then provokes the question from parents how do I tell my kids and how do I explain it to their friends / classmates? This mobile App (android version) is the first in a series of apps to help parents talk to their kids. This App is aimed at younger children / those with more significant learning difficulties and is a talking book. It also contains parents notes. Why not purchase your copy today??

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Joygirl profile image
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5 Replies
treeteddy profile image

I dont have an android phone or iphone is there another way to access this app.


Topper profile image

This looks like a great tool to use. When will there be a version for iPhone?

Joygirl profile image

Iphone version is coming soon,

Joygirl profile image

Version for I phone has just been sent to Apple for approval and we will let you know soon.

Skatesey71 profile image

Just purchased this on the AppStore.......

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