Hi all, does anyone have experience of mental capacity testing for their children?
I have an 18 year old who has been deemed (most conveniently) by her SW and education as having MC for decision making, in every instance so far. It has been 'formerly' tested twice in relation to where she want to live and what she wants to do. But it is all a farce because she really does not have the capacity to see the bigger picture and so can not make an informed choice. As a result, her life goes from bad to worse and she is blamed for having made poor choices when really she has had wholly inadequate support or understanding.
I am thinking about applying for Deputyship to help her steer clear of the worse of what might happen to her. I feel quite certain that we would get the order for Property and Affairs, and i would hope also for Health and Personal welfare.
I have read the book 'Special Needs and Legal Entitlement' lent to me by a friend ( a great book that i wish I'd had many years ago! covers loads about the EHCplan and lots more), and from that I understand now that the LA is in control ultimately over what happens to my daughter, where she lives etc, (now she has turned 18). I'm not happy with this as they don't understand her disability and as a result the care (and the so called education) have been woefully lacking and services have fallen very short of providing for her even most basic needs.
Anyway, before I stray off topic too far... does anyone know of a case going to Court of Protection for Deputyship of a YP with FASD? I can't find anything from googling so I'm looking for people with any kind of experience concerning mental capacity testing and deputyship.
Many thanks and Happy New Year!