Hi I run one of the support groups for The FASD Trust.
Just an idea..... Instead of all the money we are going to spend buying Christmas cards and on postage stamps when most of the people we send them to we will see over the next couple of weeks so we can verbally wish them happy christmas or we could what's app, text or email them with a nice photo attached..... Why don't we use that money SO much more effectively and donate it to The FASD Trust. They need to raise £30,000 to put towards a prevalence study to demonstrate the real extent of people effected by FASD in the UK, then maybe we will get the specialise support our children deserve! Maybe ask a family member or friend to do the same? That's what I am doing and my parents wrote a cheque for The FASD Trust today. Isn't that what Christmas is really about? Let's all be a part of waking up the UK to FASD! Thanks and Happy Christmas