Is your ED from (choose one or multip... - Erectile Dysfunct...

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Is your ED from (choose one or multiple answers):

Darryl profile imageDarrylPartner98 Voters

Please select all that apply:

13 Replies
Loughman profile image

Hi am 55 I do have depression and anxiety I

Take Viagra it works but it is not cheap

Vitruviusman profile image
Vitruviusman in reply to Loughman

Go to set up account down load coupon for genetic Viagra. Look for the cheapest price of a pharmacy in your area. 30 supply is$15, 90 supply is $24. Since you do not see the 90-day coupon call them on the phone number listed. I just bought a 90 day supply for $24 at my local Safeway pharmacy

TommyD41 profile image

ED began in 2003 when I was put on the combination of Avodart and Flomax to treat BPH. An ED specialist told me it is further complicated by reduced blood flow due to coronary.artery disease. A 6 month regimen of ADT in 2013 for PCa certainly further complicated things.

security profile image

I have ED for a few years now, and although I don't understand the main reason to this but I have been takeing opiates as a prescribed medication for a spinal injury pain and read a article from the mayo clinic, They carried a study on testosterone reduction due to opiates useage even over a short period, and In my case I have low testosterone levels....

Interesting survey guys...

You could of included Low Testosterone, in which case this applies to myself. Interesting Survey Keep up the great work guys,

Angel1950 profile image

Only two months??? Then you are blessed by God. I am entering my third year since surgery!

Angel1950 profile image

Not much except an implant and I am not too inclined to have it done.

in reply to Angel1950

Do it! If it's been more than two years after an RP or if you have had severe ED for more than two years it is well worth it. I have one and love it.

Handdrummer777 profile image
Handdrummer777 in reply to Angel1950

Try the Giddy device coming out next month. It's touted as effective with mild to severe ED. It's going to be amazing. They have a 30-day program of restoration,if it doesn't work right away. Get this! It may help rescue your lost erections.

Good luck with that, and may you be blessed with renewed manhood.

Longlines8 profile image

My ED is due to Prostate Cancer surgery. I occasionally can get some erection without assistance but is undependable. Take 5mg cialis in morning and another 5 at night. Also use 20 units of Tri-Mix injection to get erection for sex. At 2 year mark currently. Was advised that pretty much what I got back by 18 months was probably it. In a better shape then a lot of guys after surgery. Thankful something works for me (once you get over sticking a needle in your penis).

Handdrummer777 profile image
Handdrummer777 in reply to Longlines8

You should definitely get Giddy next month! Check it out! It's going to be sensational all over the place. Proven WD treatment without drugs or pumps or pills for many men. Co-sponsored by I have some remaining ED with ADT, going into my 14th month of 18, but my happenstance invention the Loop years ago has kept my erections going despite sometimes negligible libido. But Giddy is going to be even better, I'm betting.

Martiniolives profile image

What is Giddy

Massdow profile image

My ED is a result of Diabetes. I do not know if I could have prevented it totally, but I must admit that I wasn't very careful about carbs. I am a vegetarian from India - and we have a high carb diet. I know I could have stayed off, but it's a bit late now. Back in those days, even Viagra and Tadalfil weren't available in India, so I had to stay soft. Then I was on Viagra for several years, till that too stopped working.

I just had my first shot of 0.2 cc Trimix, that did not work well. My doctor asked me to up it to 0.3 cc. So that journey into the world of trimix began today.