My recent labs gave my potassium levels as 5.1. Should I be concerned and what can I do to bring it down if there's the need.
Potassium: My recent labs gave my... - Early CKD Support
Hi Aximboy,
That level is a bit high but can be considered by some as still in the normal range. If you Google the foods you eat, it will give you an idea of what is high in potassium. I check almost everything the first time to make sure I know what I am eating. And I no longer eat potatoes or tomatoes at all, citrus fruits and cantaloupe. All were favorites before. I eat no meat at all and limited chicken, eggs and cheese. I do eat a lot of salads and veggies and so my potassium runs high.
Here is a link on potassium
here is one for foods
Hi Aximboy,
You may find this information useful in answering your questions from the Edinburgh Renal Unit (Edren):
What does anyone else suggest?
Best wishes,
MAS Nurse and Moderator
It somewhat depends on what stage of CKD you're at. First off, your levels aren't out of most reference ranges. They're at the high end of normal. Second, unless you're at stage 3b or lower, most nephrologists wouldn't even mention the issue, especially if it isn't flagged. At most, they might tell you "don't binge on potassium". The vast majority will tell you not to worry. If you decide to cut potassium levels preemptively, nothing wrong with that as long as you're getting enough nutrients.
Thanks to you all for the wealth of information given. I'm very grateful.
I am a type 2 diabetic and old so I am starting to have some issues and high potassium is one of them, Ace inhibitors (BP meds) are known to increase blood potassium, I have gotten mine below 5.0 by cutting out super potassium rich foods.