Do other people have trouble with numbers.Not maths as such but getting them in the wrong order. Like 'phone numbers ?
Numbers: Do other people have trouble... - The Dyslexia Comm...
This is likely to be a short-term auditory memory problem and is common among those with Dyslexia. I would be interested in strategies people use to help with this, some suggestions I have is: always keep a pad/pen near the phone; Trace the numbers (e.g. in the air or on a table/palm of your hand with your finger); Try to chunk the numbers into larger ones e.g. 23, 48 instead of 2, 3, 4, 8. I hope this answer is helpful to you.
I always really struggle with numbers, I cant remember my pin numbers or my own telephone numbers, if im counting a lot of coinage I always need to put money in lots of little stacks and then put them out of the way or their presence distracts me and I lose counts, if I have a handful of coins I will often have to count them 3 or 4 times before I get to count all of them. If Im counting tablets (I often need to for my work) they usually come 14 in a blister pack in 2 rows of seven, if I get two partly used blister packs it completely throws me, I will often have to count the 4 times, a little embarrassing sometimes as I have to be witnessed counting them which puts more pressure on me and more likely to make mistakes. If somebody gives my any detail about anything that contains a number, I will usually remember everything except the number.
You are not alone.
I do it all the time mix numbers up ! ( it may not be short term auditory memory loss )
If you need to take a number down from over the phone ( as I had to when taking down medical results ) ask the person to repeat it as many times as you need to until your confident it is correct.
I often explained to the person I was speaking to that I mixed numbers up and was always given a kind response.
Hope that helps !
This is a little trick I came up with:
Here is a number Ill use: 1020.
Ok, it is one thousand twenty.
Instead of trying to recall it as this, I recall it as ten twenty.
For some strange reason people can remember numbers like this, but not in the other form.
Here is another: 1313.
Instead of one thousand three hundred thirteen, try
thirteen thirteen.
Good luck,hope this helps.