Hi! Any research on the links to dysl... - The Dyslexia Comm...
Hi! Any research on the links to dyslexia and autism/aspergers syndrome please? Thanks in advance x
Hi i am sure i am correct in thinking they are on the same continum and that there is an over lap .. but i will be reading up on the link too xx
Dyslexia refers to poor reading ability and is NOT a medical condition.
I was told that if your child is intelligent but a poor reader we label them as dyslexic, but if your child is stupid and a poor reader, then we just label them as 'thick' :o)
Autism and Aspergers are specific brain disorders that show up as 'damage' on the left hand side of the brain during a brain scan. I'm sure those that lack the ability to integrate socially may have difficulties learning the rules of reading ~ but so do thousands of others.
Dyslexia is not due to brain damage, more to the lack of understanding the rules due to 'poor teaching' or over-stimulation in my experience.
Hi! There are many research written on dyslexia. Here's a link to my research and you can google the articles I cited in my paper Dyslexia was first coined to describe individuals with impairment to reading due to brain damage. But today, it has quite an extensive reference. In order for you to be diagnosed with dyslexia, it takes a rigid battery of assessments, so you cannot really cheat to be "dyslexic". Anyway, here you go Life Experiences of Individuals Living with Dyslexia in Malaysia: sciencedirect.com/science/a... Alternatively, you can find more articles by using Google Advanced, type your keywords and set to PDF files only If you have access to academic journal databases, it would be better!